A new symbol and enemy

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Y/n's P.O.V
Right now me along with the number one hero and my little sister were at rooftop as Izuku tightly clenched both of her hands together while looking down

Izuku: c-can a person like me become like you without a quirk?

All might then flinched as smoke dispersed from his body, he mentally cursed him self

Me: {thoughts} so he's finally showing his true form

Izuku: it might've been because I don't have a quirk, everybody especially guys looked at me weirdly *don't change Izuku, don't change*

Izuku: that's... why... I don't know.... I think saving people is super cool

Izuku: saving people with a fearless smile, that's why I want to be a hero like yo-

She then stood as she sees his all might's final form, but wait theirs mores!

Izuku then looks at him wide eyed as she stuttered immensely and looked at him shocked

Izuku: you're deflated!wait... up until now... HUH!? A fake a? A fake? You're so skinny! 

And at that point I couldn't care less, what can I say? I'm not a 'people's' person, to be honest I was wondering when Izuku would stop being all energetic, because every time she jumps, something bounces along with her

I'll be straight, all men would probably just start recording and fap to it later at night when you finally realize that you'll die, and death is inevitable no matter , that everybody will also die along with you, your family, live ones....and that you're only a tiny speck in the universe, but then you fap! It all goes away!*t-that was dark*

That's what most men do, that and drink beer, but I'm not like most men, I drink wine not beer, that and I rarely trust people, while for other men, whatever had legs, eyes, arms, organs, and a part they will throw themselves, but like I said I rarely trust people

Why? Because every single friend I have made ended up betraying me and beating Izuku up, so long story short, I have trust issues

What I don't realize was that All might left leaving a depressed Izuku

I sighed as I walked next to her and enveloped her in a hug as she tightly held onto to me with tears in her eyes threatening to fall

I grew angrier as I recommend to go for a walk before going to home, she agreed as along the way I rubbed her back, I mean how would you feel if you're favorite hero basically said to give up on your dreams

We suddenly stopped as we turned to our right to see a crowd gathering

We walked towards it as I see some pro heroes fighting the sludge monster from before, but this time it has Katsuki

For some reason I feel anger, I grit my teeth, clench my fist, my muscle tightening, I was going to help her

But before I could do anything Izuku runs straight after it as she throws her backpack whole heroes screamed for her

I was going to go after it, but before I did I went to all might

Me: let me handle this, you already used your time

He nods as I sprint after Izuku as some people whisper, and unknown to me a certain figure was watching me with lust

" hey isn't that the kid who beat the villain from before!?"

"He was so cool!"

"And hot!"

I didn't care about the comments they made, as I the sludge was about wack Izuku...

Me: first stage: Air Force

As the villain walked Izuku everybody looked down at the ground not wanting to see the scene

Izuku: Y/n!

They all looked back to see the sludge villain freaking out when part of it got destroyed easily

Me: you should be glad that I'm even going to think about using this move

Everybody looked at me with confusion as I raise my right hand and aim my palm at the sky

Me: second stage: gill force hurricanes!

And right on cue there were massive winds picking up as it clams down the fire

My hair was flowing, my clothes seemed like they were going super saiyan, I just smirked as the villain struggled

I ran at him as I quickly grab Katuski hand and rip her out of his grasp

Me: good now I don't have to worry

I then aim my palm at him as reverse tornados came from the sky and enveloped him

Me: *smirk*too easy

And known to me Katuski was looking at me with heart eyes and blushing madly, I wondered why, but I realize that I was still holding her hand

I let go much to her discomfort, I then approach a laid down Izuku, I then picked her up bridal style

Ever girl in the crowd and Katuski looked with jealousy, I placed her down against a wall as she woke up

Heroes start saying the dangers of doing this and what not, while me and Katsuki were being surrounded by news reporters and asking us questions

After all that we went back home as she still had her head down

But as we were walking all might showed up, blah blah blah, talking  about heroism, blah blah, my quirk is cool, blah blah blah, I have a sex dungeon, blah blah blah

I think that's what I heard, but before I even noticed Izuku was at the floor crying

All might: Y/n would you also like to join us?

Y/n: sure might as well, only if you let me fight you ten days before U.A exams

All might: deal

I smirked as I looked at him with battle lust, but this moment was interrupted by a crying Izuku


A/n: how does Y/n know about all might's form? And what's this sex dungeon he's talking about

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