The truth reveals

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The only reason why people hate death and love life is because life is a beautiful lie and death is a painful truth -Y/n


My eyes opened as I examined where I was. It was pitch black, I was seating in a black seat with a boy looking at me with curiosity

Me: so what? Are you just going to stare at me all day? Please don't be all might and bring me to your sex dungeon

???: what!? Sex dungeon? Did you even hear the badass senescence that I just said!?

Me: it depends, if it mentions my name, it most likely is something badass

???: you're my nephew!

Me: oh.... that's cool..... I guess

???: you do know I'm a demon king right?

Me: I'm sorry, but when did I say I was offering fucks to give today?

???: I hate you, but how about this, beat me, I'll give you something special, you lose and you won't be getting it and you'll be in hell, so win

Me: I'm sorry one, I don't even know your name, two, why a fight?

???: because of plot to making you weaker

Me: what, what?

???: what? I'm sorry did you say something?

Me: what did you say before?

???: uhhhh my names Luke, your grandpa, but anyways come on we don't have enough time

He extended his hand as a staff appears, he taps the floor three time as the room starts spinning and eventually stops, the room was now a battle ground, well more like grassy plains, but with trees

He jumps to the other side as I use my teleportation quirk, the trees blew silently, the flow of winds graced the grass

Me: 3

Luke: 2


Luke:........ GO!.......

He charged at me as I used my reinforcement quirk to my entire body


Quirk - reinforcement

It allows the user to harden his body, and objects, along with clothing

So basically a way better version of Hardening

He swings a left kick to my face as I dodge it, I use the brief moment to get closer, and I did, my palm was at his chest

Me: Kinetic push!

There was a massive shockwave erupt from it, as he gets launched into multiple trees, each one breaking upon impact

He gets up, staggering a bit, as he aims his palm at me and I do the same

We waited for each other to do something, but nothing, what he didn't know was that I was using a shadow quirk to trap him

Luke: alright I'm bored demonic eruption!

He slams his hand at the ground as it violently shakes, I get out of the situation by flying as he does the same

Luke: congrats only one person have ever gotten this far other than you

Me: my mother?

He smirks as he comes rushing towards me with a spear in his hand, Lightning starts to devour the spear, the lighting turns into a spiral as he stops and uses the energy from stopping and throws it at me

The force behind the spear broke through the air causing a sonic boom, I dodge it but not before grabbing it and swinging it around and shoot it back towards him, this time with f/c lightning

He stops it by the point effortlessly,

Luke: so by now you've noticed I was toying with you....

He charges at me in the blink of an eye, he presses his palm at my chest, as it blows my internal organs

I cough blood up as I activate my regeneration quirk, it heals immediately

I crack my neck along with my fingers,

I activate my bracelets, blood spills from both of them as I summoned two blood dragons

He simply charges at them, he creates a force field around his body that negates liquid, so in other words my attack

I grit my teeth slightly as I shot a wave of ice at him, I then shot up my hand at him, a large red ball of blood starts gathering

It slowly transforms into a dragon, the size of a Megladon....

I felt a bit dizzy, but I just activated my infinite blood quirk

As soon as he broke out of the ice I shot him the dragon, he didn't have a enough time to dodge so he just took the shoot

I see that he couldn't activate his force field due to fatigue so he couldn't negate the attack

Me: I win, but next time don't hold back

He then comes out unscathed, as the dragon disappears, he just shrugs

Luke: well fine. But I did promise to give you something special

Before I could say anything, my head was already in his grasp as I feel complete pain at my chest, but I endured it eventually blacking our...


A/n: wow, I wonder what this thing is. And man does he need a nerf

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