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The boy stared at the tall building in front of him. It had taken him about two hours of walking to get there. He couldn't take the van, not like he had a license. He had lied to his boss to get out of the office without suspicion. 'Good.' he thought. 'Atleast she won't come looking for me.'

He continued to stare at the building. 'Is this even the right place?' he thought to himself. 'I mean, surely a mafia base won't be located in the middle of the forest, right?' It was a good question, but then again, who's mafia base wouldn't be located in the middle of nowhere?

He stepped slowly towards the entrance of the building. He couldn't believe he was about to do this. He frantically looked around. If his boss saw this - no, - if anyone saw this, he's gonna be in trouble. Big trouble.

He knocked on the door five times and waited. He started to tremble with fear. 'Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.'  he thought to himself. He waited for a few more seconds. 'Nope, not a good idea.' He turned to leave, when suddenly-


It was too late. The door opened to reveal a women with long white hair tied into a ponytail. She wore a straight face. It was impossible to tell what she was thinking. She studied the loid's face for a little bit.

"We've been expecting you." she finally said. She stepped aside and opened the door even wider, allowing the boy to come in. He stepped in and started to look around.

"Walk to the other side of the hall. The boss is waiting for you." the women said. The boy obliged, and slowly started to walk across the hall, with the women following close behind.

The boy took a moment to take in his surroundings. The inside of the building didn't look like your average mafia office building. It looked more like a hotel. A big counter, similiar to a reception counter, an elevator, and a small coffee table with a few sofas surrounding it, similiar to a waiting room. Sitting on the sofas were two girls having a conversation, sipping hot cocoa. One had long green hair while the other had long red hair. They turned their heads towards the boy when they heard his footsteps.

"Ugh, he's finally here." said the redhead. "He looks even uglier in person." said the green-haired girl. They let out a loud giggle. "Guys, go easy on him." said the women behind the boy. "Whatever." the two girls said simultaneously. They glared at him as he continued his way down the hall, with the white-haired women behind him.

There it was. At the end of the hall, was a door with a sign on it. It read "Main Office".

Knock! Knock!
"Boss, he's here to see you!"
"Alright, bring him in!"

The women opened the door. Inside, there was a table with an office chair behind it. In front of the table was a single chair facing the table. Sitting on the office chair was the mafia's female boss. Standing beside her was the boss's female assistant, as said on the tag she was wearing. The white-haired women led the boy towards the single chair and sat him down. Then, she left, along with the assistant.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up." the boss started. The boy kept quiet, forming words to say in his head. "You do realise you're 15 minutes late, right?" the boss questioned. "Well, you try lying to your boss to get out of your office without suspicion AND walk for a full two hours to get to a place you're not supposed to be in!" the boy retaliated.

"Rude much? Don't backchat me like that!"
"So what if I backchat you? I'm not even supposed to be TALKING to you! I could call the cops on you right now!"
"Listen here, pretty boy. You scheduled this meeting. So, it's not my fault you had to walk two hours to get here. Not like I would care if it was. So if you're gonna treat me like this, I might aswell kick you out! How would you like that!?"

The boy couldn't find the words fight back. He kept quiet, proving the girl's point. "Very well. Let's begin. We came to agree, not argue." the girl said. "So, what exactly is your situation?"

"Well," the boy started. "I need to pay this debt, and I need money desperately." The boy said, slightly embarrased. "Typical. Most of our clients need money to pay debts." the girl said casually. "So, how much do you need to pay?"

"That's none of your business! I just need money! That's all!" the boy yelled. "Whoa, whoa, calm down! Okay, I won't ask anything else about your debt. But I will ask you this. Do you expect us to just give you money?" the girl asked. The boy stared at the floor. He knew this would happen. He would have to earn his money.

"Glad to know you see my point." the girl said, snapping the boy out of his thoughts. She stood up and walked over to a cabinet on the other side of the room. She opened it and pulled out a big piece of folded paper. She walked back to her office chair and sat down. She handed the boy the piece of paper.

"Unfold it and read it. It has the details of your task." the girl said. The boy obliged. He unfolded the paper and read it to himself. After about a minute, he slammed his hands on the table, startling the girl.

"I'M NOT DOING THAT! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!?" the boy yelled at the top of his lungs. He couldn't believe his task. "Oh, come on. You've done this many times. Why can't you do it now?" the girl asked casually.

"You have got to be kidding me! I would never do something like that!" the boy shouted, his voice not as loud as before. "Oh yeah?" the girl snarled. "You say that now, but how about if I offer you $75,000 in return?" the girl asked slyly.

The boy stopped in his tracks. He was shocked. His debt was $50,000. If he had that much, he would still have $25,000 leftover. It was an amazing deal. Almost to good to be true.

"Judging by your face, that covers more than your actual debt, right?" the girl asked. The boy didn't answer, not like he had to. The girl knew the answer. She chuckled. "What do you say? Deal?" the girl asked, extending her arm towards him. Hesitantly, the boy took her arm and shook it. "Deal." the boy mumbled.

The girl smiled. "Very well. You have 48 hours. Get it done, and I will make it worth your while." the girl said. And with that, the boy stood up and left. The girl smiled. "Perfect." she said to herself.

The boy left the building, too many thoughts racing in circles in his head. He didn't want to do this, but it's going to be worth it...


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