Chapter 1: The Break-in

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The Vocaloid Mafia Base
Tokyo, Japan

It was a peaceful night. A tall building stood in the quiet, lonely part of Tokyo, completely unnoticable to anyone if they didn't take a second glance through the thick forest that surrounded the building. That was how the building managed to stand the way that it had for all those years. No one had been able to locate it for a long time.

Inside, everybody was fast asleep. There was six of them in total. They were all sleeping peacefully, knowing that they were safe under the watchful eye of their reliable security guard. When in reality, everything was going to change in a matter of minutes.

A strange black-hooded figure stood in front of the building. He crept towards the entrance of the building. On the wall next to the main doors, was a padlock with a six-digit code required to open the doors. He punched in the code with no sweat, as if he already knew code. After punching the code, he pressed 'Enter'.

The words 'ACCESS GRANTED' appeared on the screen of the padlock. A small beep sounded from it before the doors slowly opened to reveal the interior of the building.

The figure calmly walked towards a door at the right side of the main hall. On it was a sign that wrote 'Security Office'. The way he walked towards the door was so swift, as if he knew that room was the security office. He leaned against the wall beside the door and waited. A minute later, a female voice came from the room.

"Ah, finally! Time for my five minute break. I'll just quickly go to the bathroom and get myself some coffee. I can never get through my night shifts without it!"

A girl with dark blue hair tied in pigtails came out of the room. "Bathroom, here I come!" she said to herself. She didn't notice the black-hooded figure following her from behind. She entered the bathroom and closed the door. The hooded figure grabbed a chair from the dining area and propped it up against the door so she couldn't get out. He walked into the now opened security office. He sat on a chair and proceeded to disable the security cameras to make sure they don't record what he was about to do.

When he was done, he walked towards another door. On it was a sign. It read with big bold letters...


He didn't care. He opened the door to reveal a big, dark room. Although it was dark, there was one very noticeable thing. At the other side of the room, was a small safe sitting on a table. That's what he had been looking for. However, something stood in between him and the safe. Lasers. Everywhere. It seemed impossible to get to the other side without hitting them. And with closer inspection, you could see that the lasers were connected to an alarm system. If he were to hit one of the lasers, it would sound an alarm that would wake everyone up. Everyone.

He started to jump, duck and skid his way across the room without hitting any of the lasers. It was as if he knew the pattern of the movement of the lasers. Soon enough, he had reached the other side of the room.

There it was. The safe on the table. It had exactly what he needed inside. There was one problem though. Like every other safe, you had to spin a knob on the door in a specific pattern in order for it to open. It wasn't a problem for him though. He turned the knob in such a specific pattern and didn't even stop to think it through. It was as if he already knew the numbers. And in no time, the safe was open.

Inside, there were many, many giant stacks of money. They were all nicely sorted in the safe. There was also another thing. A sticky note on top of one of the stacks. It read...

'Mafia Money

Bingo. He took out a giant sack he had been keeping in his backpack and took all the money in the safe. When he was done, he turned around to leave, when suddenly his foot hit one of the lasers.

"ATTENTION, ATTENTION! INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT!" yelled a robotic voice. The alarm starting booming through the entire building. The hooded figure didn't know what to do at first. Suddenly, he heard the sound of feet in boots thundering down the stairs and a few voices.

"Someone's trying to break in!"
That doesn't matter! We need to stop whoever it is!"
"Yeah! We can't just let intruders break in our base!"

He made a run for it. He ran towards the exit with the sack in his hand. He could hear the screaming and yelling behind him.

"There he is!"
"He's getting away!"

They started to fire gunshots at him. He sped up, not wanting to get hit. He ran out the door and bailed for the city, knowing that with the amount of people there, they would stop following him. Soon enough, he was gone.

"And stay out, you crackhead! Nobody messes with Hatsune Miku and the best mafia gang around!" yelled the mafia's leader. She was the infamous Hatsune Miku, leader of the most notorious mafia in the world.

At that point, it was as if she was yelling at nothing. The figure was out of sight. "Now, I need to make sure everyone's okay..." she said to herself.

She re-entered the building. "Guys! Are you all alright?" she asked the other members, who were all actually her best friends. The whole reason she cares about them so much.

"Don't worry, Miku. We're fine. Just a little shaken up by the shock." answered Rin. It was true, the attack was so sudden, no one was expecting it.

"Good. Alright everyone, search the building! Identify everything that has changed since we went to bed! GO!" Miku ordered. In a matter of seconds, everyone was all over the place, obeying her orders. After a few minutes, they came back to the main room.

"Miku, you won't believe this." Len said calmly. "I went to the toilets to check if anything has changed, like you said, and I saw a chair propped up against the door. I removed it, opened the door, and guess who I found." he then showed the mafia's security guard, who looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Oh, Una! Are you alright?" Miku asked her. Una was her name. Otomachi Una to be exact. "Oh, Ms. Hatsune! It was terrible!" the security guard started. "It was my five minute break, so I decided to go to the bathroom and get a coffee after. When I was done, I tried to leave the bathroom. But, I couldn't!" she stated. "That was until Mr. Kagamine saved me! You have to find out who did this, Ms. Hatsune!" she finished.

Don't worry, Una! We'll get to the bottom of this!" Miku said confidently. "But, what kind of crackhead would break into a mafia base and not steal anything?" she asked her friends. They shrugged their shoulders."Um, Miku? I think I found the answer to you question."

Miku turned to the source of the voice. It belonged to Luka, the mature one of the gang. "I went into the private room to check on our money, and..." she trailed off. "And?" Miku asked.

"It's gone." Luka finished. Miku's eyes widened. "GONE!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN GONE!?" Miku yelled. She pushed her out of the way and ran towards the room.

It was true. All the money they had stolen in the past was gone. $1,750,000, gone in a second.

Who could've done this!?" Miku shouted. Suddenly, an idea struck her mind.

"Alright everyone, meet me in the meeting room in two minutes! You know what this calls for!" said Miku. Everyone already knew where this is going. Miku finished her sentence...

"A Vocaloid Mafia meeting!"

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