Chapter 6: The Sneak-in

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The Utauloid Mafia Base
10:25 a.m.

Everyone in the building relaxed, minding their own business. There was Akita Neru, who was messing around on her phone as usual. Her best friend, Yowane Haku, was doing work on her computer. More specifically, she was changing the passwords she had on almost all her downloads. She would change them daily, just to make sure she was safe from any Internet hackers, even though she was one herself.

Sitting a little further away from them were the ones who were known as the 'annoying ones'. Macne Nana and Namine Ritsu. The green-head and crossdresser would spend their day chatting and wasting their time doing unimportant activities.

Everyone was having their own fun. All except one. Their leader. Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. They all turned to see who it was. It was none other than Kasane Teto.

Teto yawned. "Good morning, Utauloid Mafia!" She exclaimed to everyone. "Morning, Teto!" Everyone answered in unison. Teto made her way to the kitchen to make coffee. When she was done, she walked towards the dining table and sat down. Neru and Haku approached her.

"So Teto, what's our plan for today?" Neru asked. "Rob a bank? Raid a city? Go to the black market?" Haku gave her guesses. "Actually, I was thinking more like relaxing in our base and not go out for the day." Teto stated. Suddenly, Nana and Ritsu chimed in.

"What!? Not do anything!?" Nana asked in disbelief. "But we're always doing atleast SOMETHING everyday, whether we like it or not!" Ritsu exclaimed. "Alright, shut up!" Teto shouted, shushing the two of them. "Well, I know we're always doing something. It's just that I think that we need a break. After all, we do have the Vocaloid Mafia's money." Teto stated.

"Oh, right! Totally forgot about that!" Neru exclaimed. "Still Teto, I can't believe you managed to fool that idiot into betraying his own gang! The most genius idea you've had yet!" Haku complemented Teto. "What was his name again?" Nana asked. "Miku? Moke? Maika?" Ritsu guessed.

"No, no, no! It's Mikuo! We've gone through this!" Teto yelled. "Now, let's just enjoy a relaxing day, okay?" Teto asked. Everyone nodded. "Good."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "God damnit! Who could that be!? Nana, go get that!" Teto ordered. "Yes, Teto." Nana answered before walking towards the door. She opened it slowly.

In front of her was a girl. She had purple hair and was wearing a dress with a white top, black skirt, black sleeves, black leggings and purple tie. She wore a nervous look on her face.

"Who are you? Can I help you?" Nana asked. " Uh, h-hi! Um... I'm Defoko! You know, Teto's best friend?" The girl responded. A silence fell between them as Nana studied the face of the girl who claimed to be Defoko. Finally, she said something.

"Defoko?" Is that you? You look, um, different." Nana asked. "O-of course it's me! Who else would it be? Hehe..." Defoko answered. Nana studied her a bit more. "Did you get shorter? And where's your hat?" Nana asked. "Oh! Um... I left my hat at home! As for the shorter thing, I think you're seeing things. People can only get taller, not shorter!" Defoko answered.

"Right. One second. I'll go tell Teto you're here." Nana said before re-entering the building. She approached Teto.

"Who is it?" Teto asked. "It's Defoko." Nana calmly stated. "Defoko!? I haven't seen her in forever! Out of my way!" Teto yelled. She pushed everyone out of her way and ran towards the front door.

As soon as she saw Defoko, she pounced on her to give her a hug. She pounced so hard that it resulted in both of them falling to the ground, with Teto on top.

"Defoko! I'm so happy to see you!" Teto yelled. "Right, right. Can you get off me?" Defoko asked. "Oh, sorry!" Teto apologized before standing up. That's when she noticed the giant box behind Defoko.

"Uh, Defoko? What's that?" Teto asked, pointing towards the box. "Oh, that? Well, uh... that's just some... uh... supplies I got from the black market! You never know when you need extra bullets, right?" Defoko answered.

"Right. I'll help you carry it!" Teto volunteered to help. "Don't carry it! Push it!" Defoko yelled, startling Teto. "Okay then..." Teto responded. They both started to push the box, which was strangely heavy.

"Oh, boy! This is heavy! What's inside? A pile of rocks? Haha!" Teto joked. "Yeah, hehe..." Defoko responded. They pushed the box into the dining room, where everyone was sitting at the dining table. They eyed the box.

"What's that, Teto?" Haku asked. "Guess what our good friend decided to get us? Supplies from the black market!" Teto exclaimed. "Woah, really!? Thanks, Defoko!" Neru said. "Yeah, hehe... you're welcome..." Defoko responded. "Now, if you would excuse me, I need to go." Defoko said before turning her back towards the gang.

"Aww, already? You just got here! You can stay!" Ritsu persuaded Defoko. "No, really. I have to go." Defoko started to make her way towards the front door. "It was nice hanging with you, but-AHHH!" Defoko was cut off when she accidentally tripped and fell to the ground. Everyone let out a loud gasp. Defoko's hair had gotten separated from her head. Under it was a bunch of short, teal hair.

Teto gasped. "You're not Defoko!" She screamed. It wasn't Defoko, nor was it an Utauloid, or even a female. It was Mikuo.

"Um, uh..." Mikuo trailed off, not knowing what to say. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, MIKUO!? YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" Neru yelled at him. "Uh, um..." He turned towards the box. "Kaito, Meiko, now!" He shouted at the box before standing up and running out the front door.

"What?" Teto asked in confusion. Suddenly, the flaps of the giant box flipped open and two people jumped out, with guns in both their hands. It was Kaito and Meiko.

"What the hell!?" Everyone shouted in unison. Meiko and Kaito smirked at them.

"Take this, crackheads!"

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