A Whole New World-Ch2

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Chapter 2- A Whole New World

I gently prop him up against a palm tree on shore, about 25 feet away from the plane. My leg is throbbing. Im going to need to clean and take care of it plus, Joe looks like he hit his head really hard. Who knows how long he could be unconscious? I come to the decision that it's best to go back to the plane to look for useful supplies; since it seems to have quit smoking.

Climbing through the side door seems easiest since there was no door. I see both my suitcases, which surprisingly seem to be untouched from the crash. Captain Joe's cooler is scattered on the floor. "First aid," I whisper, there has to be a kit some where in the plane. Where would it be at? I search around the front, then look through the cabinets in the back, but there was no sign of it. "Bathroom," I say out loud heading that way, the bathroom has only few cabinets.

I found a few different things that may come in handy later on and I put them into the first aid bag and went back to Joe. After I fixed up my leg with some first aid ointment, I put some on the few scratches Joe had. I'm really hoping that he "comes to" soon. I'm the adventurous kind of person, but this is NOT what I mean. I found a small pack of bottled water and a few sandwiches on the plane. I'm guessing it was for captain Joe, but until we find fresh water and some kind of source of food it will have to do.

Night seems to be falling quickly and I'm absolutely exhausted and it is getting to be a little chilly. I have no idea what is on this island around us. Are we even safe to sleep out here? I question to myself. I start to feel myself begin to drowse off while leaning up aginst the tree next to Joe. Noticing I'm doing this I struggled to my feet I wasn't comfortable falling asleep not knowing what's out there. I noticed it was getting pretty dark. It was past sunset so I'm guessing that it's around 8pm.

I decide to go to the plane and see if I can dig a couple of my blankets out of my suitcases. After I came back Joe seemed to have turned to his other side; which I think is a good sign that he's moving on his own. So I guess his mind is starting to respond more than before. He does seem quite cold when I touch his arm so I spread one of the blankets over him and tuck him in around the sides. In doing this it reminds me of being at home when I would read bedtime stories to my little sister, and tuck her in at night. Now I really wish I would have stayed back there and decided to skip my adventurous trip I just had to go on. Again, this definitely wasn't the kind of adventure I was looking for. As I lay down next to Joe, I take a sip of the water cautiously trying to save what we do have. I pull my blanket close though I know I may not sleep. I lay down with my head against the tree, and slid closer to Joe without getting too close; it would be weird.

I just lay there and let my mind race. What am I going to do? Is this island safe? Will Joe wake up soon? Could Joe fix the plane? I disregard my last thought because he's a pilot not and engineer plus there's no tools. I'm so lost I feel like crying. I most have just fell asleep after awhile because a little earlier than dawn a noise jerked me awake. Staring in the very dim morning light I hear the noise again, and it seems to be getting closer-closer, and it jumps out into the open-a rabbit. How did this rabbit get on the island? I think to myself waiting for my heart rate to go back to normal. I kind of chuckle at the situation.

Joe seems to be  uncomfortable by the way he squirms. I touch the side of his face. He's kind of warm. He could be dehydrating. I grab the water bottle and sort of sit him up in my lap and drop a few drops of water into his mouth from the bottle. Good sign he does swallow. Im really hoping that he wakes up soon. I don't know what I'll do if he dosen't? Its starting to get a little brighter out now. So I decide it would be safe to go for a short walk. I don't go to far. Just far enough I think I can comfirm that this is an island. There is no sign of any boats on the horizon, or really anyone. If there is anyone else out here there's no sign of them right now. Surley they would have seen the plane crash, and came by now. Maybe not, there may not have been enough smoke to notice, but the noise should have been enough? Walking back to where me and Joe slept it is almost sunrise. I see that Joe has shifted his position again. Perhaps he could be waking.

I walk over and sit next to him. He looks a lot more peaceful now. I kind of stare just now noticing how striking he actually looks. He can't be too much older than me. I have recently turned 20, so he can't be older than about 26. His dark brown hair falls just bellow his eyes with a hint of wave to it. His jaw line is very distinct, and his eyes are an icy blue-gray color, if I remember correctly. I notice him moving more and decide to scooch away just a tad, so if he wakes up he doesn't wake up to me gazing from above him. How weird would that be?

From beside him I kind of watch him out of the side of my eyes. He stretches his hands over his head and yawns. This kind of makes me jump, and then I see him slightly open and shut his eyes. He places his hands in the sand and tries to push himself up, and quickly lets out a sharp "OUCH," then slowly lays his self down. My heart starts to race I'm not quite sure what to do, so I scootch over closer to him. "Its' okay, take it easy," I say to him not sure at what else really to say. "W-w-what happen and where are we?" He questions me hoping I may have answers. "Well a storm rolled in and the plane crushed us here," I say.

"Where exactly is here?" he kind of growns out of pain.

"I'm not exactly sure myself but I am like 85% sure that it's an island, and I think that we are the only ones here. I didn't really search much, in hopes that you would wake up." I am so glad that he's  awake because I wouldn't have been able to make it out here on my own.

He starts to sit himself up aginst the tree more slowly and carefully. " I don't get it I've never had a problem flying even in a storm." I see him scan his surroundings and stare at the plane. " Wow, that's pretty bad, how did we live?" He questions.

I kind of study his face for emotions. "I dont know its a miracle, I just have this really bad cut on my leg, from the crash somehow I ended up outside of the plane on the shore?" I continue on, "And once I woke I whent straight to see if you survived, the plane was smoking pretty bad and when I saw you I could tell that you had a concussion, I just knew I had to get you out of the plane before the plane caught on fire or something else bad happend, so I kind of dragged you out to this tree, and when the plane stopped smoking I headed to find the first aid kit," "I stopped my leg from bleeding and fixed it up with the material from my t-shirt sleeve, and then I put some antibiotics on your scrapes," he seems to be watching me attentively. "Then you seemed to be cold so I went back to find my blankets out of my bags, brought you one back and covered you up, I have no idea what we're going to do out here, we're going to have to find fresh water,a source of food, and shelter," I notice I'm talking really fast and a lot, so I slow down and try to end what im saying. "Who knows what could be out there the only sight of life so far I have encountered is a rabbit." I say finally stopping myself. I'm sure he has to be quite overwhelmed by all of this.

He looks at me with a half smirk, and a glimmer in his left eye from the sun that is slightly over the horizon. "Sounds like you've had quite the adventure yourself already!" He says in a joking tone. What is he thinking this is not the time to be joking around this is serious. Then he looks at me a little more seriously, "Im sorry, thank you for taking care of me while I was out of it, and it will be O.K., we will figure it out together." Him saying this kind of makes me feel a little better, and he seems sincere.

"No problem, and thanks it means a lot," I pause for a second. "So what do you think we should do?" "I already looked and I don't see any sign of ships or anything on the horizon, like I said we do have some bottles of water, some food I packed, and some stuff you had in your cooler," I pause again making sure he is listening. "But that isn't going to be enough and I have a feeling that we may be here for a while," I say and then let out a sigh.

He nods at me and then says, "Yahh probably, well.... Our biggest thing should be food and water, and then definitely shelter." "So the best time to search the island for these sources is daylight so that we can see and perhaps be more safe from the posibility of us running into danger."

"So you think we should go now are you feeling O.K?" I say sort of uneasy.

"I'm going to be fine, I think we should go over to the plane to try to find anything that would be useful to us on our venture, just in case we don't make it back before dark"



I hope you like I will be posting more chapters as soon as I can! 

Sorry for any speelling errors I'm not the best speller. :) thanks!

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