Chapter Five

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Dare ? She really said dare ? Okay honestly I hoping for her to pick truth. I didn't have a dare for her.

I thought intimidating her would work but as you can tell it didn't.

They're just looking at me waiting for me to give her a dare.

"You said dare right" I said hoping she would change her choice.

She nodded "Yes I said dare. Don't have one Mr.badboy ?"

"Go on a date with me."

Cue the oooo's from my friends

Do you guys want to know what Alexis is doing ?

She's laughing. She's the only one laughing and my friends seem to find it really amusing.

"Something's funny princess?"

She kept laughing. Which caused the rest to start and no they aren't laughing with me since I'm not laughing at all.

She took a deep breath "Oh Derek you're hilarious. What's my real dare ?"

When I first got the bet I'm not going to lie.. I thought it was going to be easy, but I haven't even started yet and I'm regretting it.

I'm just really shocked she thought I was kidding.

"That was your real dare" I said kind of embarrassed.

"Oh wow. Listen closely Derek" she paused "No matter if the world depended on it, I will never go on a date with you. Okay ?"

She put so much emphasis on the word never, then she got up and went to the dressing rooms.


Honestly what drug is this guy taking to actually think I would go on a date with him.

I was all having fun and ish staring at Trent from afar (Don't judge) and then he wants to do something like that.

Note to self.. Don't ever agree to go anywhere with a bad boy !

I'm not even fully sure if he's even a bad boy anymore. I never seen him do anything bad. I've only hear people talk about them.

So now I'm in the dressing room deciding whether or not I should go out there and ask him to bring me home or just start walking home.

Then again I don't even know where we are let alone know the way back home from this place.

"Hey lex hurry up we're going to the movies" I recognized it was Courtney's voice that I heard.

Movies for what ? They probably planned another way of embarrassing me in front of Trent. What ? The guy is hot.

"Come out. We've made sure you'll sit by Trent, Lexi" Britney said. I could almost hear her smirking.

I unlocked the dressing room door and finally walked out of it.

So I'm having a skip day with people I barely know on the 2nd day back to school.

I think my inner badass is trying to break free.

The ride to the movies was quite quiet.

Okay no it wasn't. Everyone except Trent since he was driving were talking.

I wasn't talking because I didn't know these people.

The dare Derek gave me keeps replaying in my head.

Why would he want a date with me anyways ? And if he didn't why would he consider a dare like that funny?

Ugh guys. We finally made it to the movies and Derek, Trent and I were in charge of finding seats while the others by snacks.

Finding seats weren't hard. It's the sitting in the middle of two hot guys that's difficult.

Woah ! Did I just call Derek hot ?

Just shake it off Lexi. After a couple minutes the rest of Derek's little crew came and filled up the seats by us.

We were about the watch insidious chapter 2 and I can honestly say I'm not to excited about it.


After we finished watching a whole bunch of movies we went out to eat at the food court.

School was over a while ago so going back for the last period wasn't even in consideration anymore.

"Lex, you have goosebumps and you're shivering" Derek said pointing out the obvious

Aventura is by far one of the best malls in Miami but it's always cold in here.

I'm pretty sure the darker it gets outside the colder they make it inside.

So yes I'm pretty darn cold at the moment.

"Here take my jacket" Derek said wrapping his jacket around me

"No if I'm cold you're probably cold too so it's fine" I took it off and handed it to him

He took his leather bike jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders once again.

This time I didn't give it back to him I was to cold so I put the jacket on fully.

"Thanks" I said in a really low tone

He simply nodded.


This little crew isn't as bad as I thought. They're actually really cool.

I learned that they all go to my school but I've never seen them because their classes are in different buildings.

The girls are in the same grade as me and everyone including the girls all have the same lunch as Derek and I.

So I'll be seeing Trent around more often (Wink wink)

Time really does go by fast when you're having fun. It was almost 6 o'clock and I haven't called my brother to tell him where I was or tell my friends either.

I'm not the type of person to keep my phone on sound so if it vibrates in my bag I won't hear it.

"Trent. Can you bring Alexis and I back to the pool ?" Derek asked and Trent nodded


Trent dropped us off at the pool rather fast. Well they do say the way back is always faster.

"Alexis. It was really nice meeting you even though we barely talked. Hopefully that'll change. I'll see you around in school alright ?"

Don't smile to hard lex. You'll scare him away. "It was nice meeting you too and yeah see you around"

He did that boyish nod towards Derek and drove off after waving at me.

"Ready to go back on my so called death machine ?"

I chuckled "Ready as I'll ever be"


OMG I updated ! I've been having writers block sadly.

I hope you guys like this chapter. I know it's probably boring but don't forget this is only chapter 5

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