"Was It My Dodgy Cooking L?"

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"Linda you coming back down babe it's getting a bit busy now" Mick says as he walks along the corridor upstairs.
"L? Where are ya?"
Linda is struggling over the toilet so Mick approaches where the sound is coming from
"You in the bathroom babe?"
There is no reply
"L? you alright in there" Mick says as he leans on the door.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine." Linda says in an emotional and exhausted tone
"You sure, cos I'm not buying it."
Mick hears Linda throw up
Mick's face becomes more concerned and he sharply forces the door open
Mick kneels down next to her and rubs her back
"It's okay baby."
Linda comes up slowly and looks at Mick, she looks so weak, so delicate
Mick rubs her face with the back of his hand
"You good now?"
"I think so." Linda whispers
"Come here baby."
Mick gently shuffles up to Linda and puts his arms around her, rubbing her back in the process
Linda smiles subtly and then pulls away
"Was it something you ate or...?"
"Actually I need to tell you something."
"Hold up hold up a minute." Mick seems to have cottoned on to something
"Why didn't you tell me before L, how long has this been going on for?"
Linda looks puzzled
"Wha..?" Linda says before being abruptly interrupted
"It's back isn't it, the bulimia?"
"No no Mick it's not, I know it's not."
"Then what is it?" Mick shrugs his shoulders
"I er, I'm..."
Linda gets interrupted by Shirl who wants Mick back down in the bar
"Miiick, I need you down here it's getting busy now."
Mick looks at Linda
"I'm fine okay, it can wait, just get back to the bar yeah?" Linda strokes his faces
"When my shift is done I'll be straight up here okay baby?" Mick whispers to Linda
Mick strokes her cheek before getting up and walking back down
As he does Linda gets up, opens up the bathroom cupboard, takes out the positive pregnancy test, smiles before taking it into her bedroom, hiding it in her sock drawer in the process
With Mick's shift done he returns upstairs, putting Ollie to bed before entering the bedroom,
"So L what was it you wanted to tell me?" Mick says before seeing Linda sound asleep.
Mick adjusts the duvet so it's fully covering her and he places a kiss on her forehead.
He quickly shoves down his jeans, undoes his buttons on his shirt and jumps in next to Linda for the night.
Mick awakes during the night as he goes to hug Linda only for the bed to be empty.
Mick sits up, slides the duvet off him, puts his slippers on and wonders around trying to find L, she's in the bathroom feeling sick again, little does Mick know why.
Mick slowly opens the bathroom door
"Sorry I still don't feel too good, just go back to bed, I'll be there soon."
Mick bites his top lip as he looks down at Linda before shutting the door quietly behind him and kneeling down before hugging her, he hated seeing her unwell
"Was it my dodgy cooking L?" Mick says as he rubs L's back
"No, cos you had it as well didn't you, it's probably just a bug." Linda says hiding the real reason she's sick
Mick stays up with Linda the majority of the night, comforting her and eventually Linda's energy runs out and she crashes out on Mick's chest
Mick strokes her head, brushing her hair out of her face before kissing her forehead gently
Mick equally as shattered, he gently picks Linda up and carries her like a baby, enters their bedroom, closing the door with the back of his foot and places her in the bed, wrapping the duvet around her
Mick then walks around to his side of the bed, snuggles up to Linda's side and puts his around her

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