"That's Why You Were Ill Last Night."

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Hours later Tracey turns up, allowing Mick to go up and check on Linda
Mick heads upstairs where he finds Linda laying down on the sofa
"Bless you, you're still not well are you, that lasagne really was dodgy." Mick smiles as does Linda and kneels down next to her, resting himself on the arm of the sofa
"I'm fine honestly, you don't have to worry about me."
"Only my mum said you weren't feeling good."
"It's nothing honest, probably just a bug or something."
Mick gives Linda a puzzled suspicious look
"Okay well is there anything I can get ya."
"Just fetch me a pair of fluffy socks."
"Yes your highness."
Mick bows down to Linda and she giggles
Mick exits the room with a curious expression
As Mick looks through Linda's sock drawer he finds a positive pregnancy test in the drawer. His faces freezes for a second and takes a breath in, looks up and breathes out looking in the direction of the living room and he smiles
They had been trying for months
"Oh L." he's says under his breath as he finally clocks what caused Linda's sickness
"Mick you found them?"
"Yeah yeah baby sorry I'm coming." Mick says as he wipes some tears from under his eye
Mick quickly puts the test in his back pocket and grabs the socks
Mick enters the room p, kneels done in form of her and puts the socks on L, he can't stop smiling knowing what he knows
He stays crouched down, leans on his hand as he looks in ore at L
"What u grinning about?"
"I think there's something erm you need to tell me aint there." Mick strokes L's cheek
Linda pauses for a sec, realising micks clocked it on
"I don't know what you're on about."
Mick raises his eyebrows
"I know, L."
Mick smiles at L before he looks down at Linda's tummy
"Wha, how d'ya mean.."
Mick takes the pregnancy test from his back pocket and poses with his eyebrows raised before breaking a massive grin
"Where'd you find tha, awwww it was in my drawer wasn't it." Linda says as she puts her head in her hand for a bit giggling to herself
Mick smiles wider
Linda smiles downwards
"When were you planning on telling me this? how long have u known?" Mick says with a massive grin as he joins Linda on the sofa
"Since yesterday, I've been trying to tell you ever since."
"Ahh that's what it was, that's why you were ill last night."
Linda nods
"So it wasn't my dodgy cooking after all." they both giggle to each other
"Nope I love my husbands cooking."
Linda touches his thigh and Mick smiles
They both pause for a minute and look at each other before cracking a smile
"Come here." says Mick
They both shuffle up and lean in for a kiss, Mick placing his hands either side of her head and Linda places her hands on either side of his face rubbing her thumbs through his beard before the pressing their foreheads against each other's for a moment before pulling gently away.
Linda smiles
"Is it like defo L."
"I did a couple of tests to be sure and they were all positive."
Mick bites his lips and his eyes become teary
"We're gonna have another little one to keep us occupied soon enough." exclaims Linda
Linda smiles and Mick laughs back
Mick pauses for a moment and looks down, he can't believe it after months of trying
"Mick, you alright, you do want this baby don't you, cos if you don't then..."
"Of course I do baby, of course I do."
Mick rubs Linda cheek
"This is just the best news."
Linda relaxes her face into micks hand and holds his arm with her hand
"I just cant believe it, I didn't think...all them months, I just thought it wasn't meant to be." Mick says emotionally
Linda continues to smile
"Let's not tell anyone just yet okay, I need a little while to process it all." Mick explains
"Yeah, course, let's just enjoy the moment between us for now."
Mick grins widely
"We're gonna have a baby L."
"Yeah" Linda get slightly choked
"I don't think this will proper sink in for a while yet." Mick says he wipes his tears
Linda smiles
"I love you Mick Carter"
"I love you too L."
"Come here." Micks says as L nears
Linda then proceeds to lay her head on his chest on top of mick facing upwards, Mick's hands wrapping around her, he rubbs her forehead with his thumb before placing a kiss on her forehead followed by him gently placing his hand on her tummy.
Linda placing her hand on top of Mick's soon afterwards
"You're very lucky to have a mummy like yours she's incredibly special."
Linda beams with pride
"Awwww mick."
They slowly close their eyes and lay there for hours

Mick and Linda's Happy Ever After✨Where stories live. Discover now