"Mick, about last night..."

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Even though Mick wakes up before Linda it's still hours later than he normally does, shattered from his exertions the night before, they lay in the same position they fell asleep in, his arms intertwined in hers
He gets up slightly and stares at her beautiful, motionless face, placing a kiss on her forehead before slowly getting out of bed, putting on his slippers and dressing gown before entering the kitchen where Shirl and Tina are
"Heavy night was it?" Tina asks
"You look shattered Mick." Shirl exclaims
"Yeah, yeah I was up all night with L, bless her, she was sick all night."
"Probably that dodgy lasagne you made, I told you it tasted funny." Tina says in a jokey fashion
"Yeah maybe." Mick says in a low tone
"Anyway I gotta get this back to her with this." Mick says as he holds the cups of tea Shirl had already made
"I might need you to cover some of my shift today Tina."
"Ahhh what."
"Yeah I wanna keep a close eye on L that's all."
Mick walks out
"Who else is working today?" Tina asks
Shirl takes a bite out of the toast before smiling
Mick places the coffee cup down next to her and places another kiss on her forehead
Which Linda responds faintly to "Mick?"
"Morning my beautiful, how u feeling, still rough?"
"Yeah a bit."
"Well just rest up, I'll ring up for a doctors appointment if this carries on yeah?"
"You don't have to do that honestly I'm fine."
Mick rise smile
"We'll get you better soon baby I promise, okay?"
Mick rubs the her forehead with his thumb
Mick presses a kiss on her head, leaves the room and shuts the door
"Just get some rest baby, I'll be back in a bit to check on you I just have to get the pub ready downstairs, alright?"
"Ok" Linda manages a subtle smile
"I love you" Mick declares.
"I love you too"
Mick smiles before shutting the door behind him
Mick is taking bottles of beer into the main bar area as Linda comes down in her dressing gown and slippers
"I was just about to pop up and check on you, you look a bit brighter this morning babe."
"Yeah I'm getting there."
"Erm can I have a quick chat?" Linda wanted to tell him the real reason she's been unwell
"Yeah course babe"
Mick puts down a crate of beer
"So about last night."
*loud bang on the door*
"We're not open yet mate."
"It's Derek, I've got ur lager order mate."
"Ahhh course hold up a minute."
"I've just got gotta."
Mick points to the door
"Yeah yeah course you go."
"You can tell me later yeah?"
Linda nods
Mick gets his glasses on, unbolts the door and greets him
"Morning Mick."
"Alright mate just come round the back with them yeah."
Linda rolls her eyes before proceeding to upstairs as she wonders back up to wake up Ollie.
Mick comes back walking around the bar area minutes later
"He's only gone and brought me the wrong lager L, I mean do you believe tha.."
Mick then realises Linda has gone upstairs and sighs before carrying on getting the pub ready for opening
Linda stays upstairs most of the day as instructed to by Mick until she pops back down
"Mick can we have that chat now?"
"Yeah yeah course, it's calmed down now." Mick says as he puts down a cloth
"Where you going?" Shirl questions Mick
Mick doesn't reply and walks off, following Linda
Shirl sighs
"Come upstairs." Linda has a small cheeky smile on her face with Mick looking slightly puzzled
Linda drags Mick by the hand towards the stairs and slightly up them, Linda slightly in front until Halfway interrupts
"Mick you couldn't help me with changing a barrel could you, they weigh a tonne."
Mick sighs and looks at Linda
"I'm a bit busy here mate."
"Can't it wait?" Linda exclaims with annoyance
"Oh come on it won't take that long."
"Baby, can I just."
Mick points towards the barrel store
"Yeah yeah sure it can wait, I'll cover your shift."
"I'll be right back okay baby, wait there."
Mick places a kiss on her lips
"Ok." Linda smiles turns to a sign when Mick approaches the door to the barrel store
Linda enters the bar again to cover Mick's place before becoming ill again and it's obvious to Shirl that's she's struggling
"You okay Linda cos you don't look too good."
"Not really, I've been like this since yesterday."
"Yeah Mick said."
"What did he say?"
"That he was up all night with you last night."
"Just go up yeah, Mick should be here not you, it's quiet down here anyways."
Linda smiles before going up, heads upstairs again into the living room, snuggled in a duvet
Mick downstairs in pub and wonders where L went
"Where's L she was meant to be covering my shift."
"Oh yeah I sent her back up, she shouldn't be covering your shift in her state, stop slacking" Shirl says as she chucks the cloth at Mick and walks away
Mick smirks to himself

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