• three •

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• Josh •

The new girl is coming in today. Tyler had told me about how they met, and how she was a different kind of cool - what ever that meant.

I was just the tiniest bit exited. There hadn't been a new kid in our school, or town for that matter, in what felt like forever.

I sat waiting for my buddies, on top of the wall that surrounded the school courts, swinging my legs impatiently. The sound of the sporty kids' yells behind me as they dispute about basketball, and the sun bright in the sky.

I always like to get to school early, mostly so I can grab a pack of Oreos, cheap from the candy store around the corner - before it gets packed with loud middle schoolers.

Also so I can avoid getting stuck in the rush of late kids, that could possibly cause me to collapse in stress. I don't know, just something about the intensity of crowds drives me to the edge.

I decide to listen to some music to calm my nerves, before school officially starts, before I have to deal with dreaded high school hallways again. It's our last year, I'm hoping - yet doubting - it will be any better.

That's when I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I pull out my earphones. "Josh!" Maya suddenly appears next to me with a wide grin, I attempt to return it.

"Hi?" I raise my eyebrow slightly, this girl would rarely talk to me before, what makes her take sudden interest now?

She is one of the more popular girls, and she always seems to be surrounded by a group of her giggly friends - who honestly irritate me. They almost seem to target people with their two sided personalities.

The sort of cliche mean girls, just not with the same ... pazaz.

"I just wanted to say, I really love your new hair..." She attempts to touch my precious curls. I back away subtly. "Haha...thanks." I awkwardly choke out.

She tilts her head "It was blue before, right?" I was kinda known for dying my hair, I admit. But why is she so concerned? Maybe I'm over analyzing and she's just being nice.

"Yeah, I uh - I guess I just got - got bored of it"  I didn't really. "Well, the yellow is definitely... different"  She says, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

I raise my eyebrows at first, then try and smile off the way she just made me feel incredibly self conscious, after all it was a compliment. I think. "Yeah..." I bite my lip anxiously.

"In a good way of course" She smiles almost genuinely, and I fake-laugh along - maybe she'll leave soon.

I see her group of friends a few feet away, giggling and glancing in our direction. I start to feel incredibly uncomfortable under their gaze.

She turns to look at them, her long red hair whipping around as she does. She giggles "I should go, I'll see you later Josh"

I should hope not. As she sauntered away, I just shake my head and fiddle with my earphones. Tyler and Jenna should be here soon...

• You •

"Almost there!" Jenna states, her arm still comfortably around your shoulders. She's been talking with you the whole walk, asking questions about everything under the golden sun. 

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