Chapter 4

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"Will you please stop singing like whale!" Cameron screeched, but this of course made me feel like crap. all my life I wanted to be a singer. so to hear that I sing like a whale, I feel crushed.

I think I might of made a face that showed what he had just said touched me in a really sensitive spot, because he had this new look. not the usually cocky arrogant one. no. this was new.....guilt?

He opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but then quickly closed it. good choice, I thought. But since he didn't say anything , I did.

"Sorry" my voice cracked. "I didn't mean to disturb you." my voice cracked again. I had to keep my jaw clenched to try and keep back the tears, that I knew would come the second he was out the door. wait......... how did he get in my house!?

Than I looked around to find the clear, slide doors for my balcony were wide open. I guess he hopped over the balconies. wow. I must have been that bad that he had to risk his life just to tell me to shut up. oh! and tell me I sing like a whale!

"I-I" why is he stuttering, he is the one who just screamed at me for singing like a whale. "are you crying?" his voice broke while he sad that last word. was I crying?! crap. than I felt it. a tear starting to role down my cheek. crap, crap, crap!

Than I decided it was my turn to scream. also show how much power us women have. "am I crying!" I screeched. not so much in a question way, but more in a mocking way.

" I don't know! wouldn't you be crying if you worked your whole gosh damn life trying to be the best at something! trying- no, doing singing, is a lot harder than people think! and all my life I thought at least I was good! than I started to think 'damn I'm good' so much that I decided to freaking apply to only singing colleges. just to be freaking told, by a stupid, cocky, arrogant kid who lives next door, that you sing like a whale! would you be crying!? huh!?" I just let the words flow out. kind of like how I was doing the same for my tears, now.

He didn't say anything, just looked at me, with something in his eyes. no. could it be......guilt?

"Well? say something. don't just stand there like an idiot!" I knew I shouldn't have been so harsh but I couldn't take it. he thought he could just come into my house, and spit on my dreams. Who did he think he was?!

"I'm so sor-" I cut him off. "Forget it! I don't want to hear the bs apology." the last part came out in a whisper.

Why. are. you. still. crying!

"I-listen-it's just-I really didn't mean to hurt you. honestly you didn't sing like a whale. you actually did sound good. no. damn your good." he said trying to lighten the mood.

"Gosh! I hate when people do that!" I screeched.

"Do what?"


"I'm not lying!"

"Well, I had to be pretty damn bad for you to risk your life, to jump over the balconies, just to tell me I sing like a whale!"

"I didn't come to say that! that was just an excuse to come over here to see you!"

Our eyes widening. mine because of shock. his because he had just realized what he said. after mumbling a quick 'crap' he stood up.

"Listen I'm really sorry. I really didn't mean what I said." he wasn't looking cocky nor arrogant. but he was looking sincere mixed with concern and guilt. Was he really sorry? or did he just say that to get me to stop singing?

"What can I do to make you forgive and believe me?" than a grin started to form on his face. crap. what was he thinking?

"What?" I slowly said.

"Come with me" were the last words he said before climbing off my balcony. but what was even crazier than that. I followed.

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