Chapter 6

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"Okay here we are."

"Really a....carnival?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with a carnival?"

"Cliché much?"

"I like cliché!"

I can't believe he brought me to a carnival! it's soo cliché..... but yet romantic.... stop! he doesn't like you like that, Audrey! but I want him to. I can't believe I like this stupid, arrogant, yet hot boy! I probably don't like him though, I only think he is hot, because under all that hotness there is a really mean, arrogant, player who I know is no good for me! so why do I feel like I really like him? Ughhh! it's just his hotness, Audrey!

When we got up to the ticket booth the lady was about our age. but she really annoyed me! want to know why? because she flirted with Cameron! yes the boy , who looks like, on a date with me!

Ughhh never gonna happen, Audrey!

"Here.. this napkin for you. is very special." the lady at the booth said to Cameron. "umm, why?" Cameron asked. he knew exactly why! I saw him look at the number written on it! why did he act like he didn't know?

"Umm, it.... has... umm my... number." the lady said kind of embarrassed. "I know but why is it special? the only special thing in my life is my girlfriend..." at least I found out why he did what he did, but I'm pretty sure my heart just broke into on million pieces. why though? did I really like him that much? "Audrey. my girlfriend, Audrey is the only, only special thing in my life. so.... no, that napkin won't be needed. not if Audrey is by my side." he said while his arms where around my waist. I was frozen. except for my heart. that was about to blow out of my chest.

After the lady in the booth was out of hearing range. and couldn't see us. we were still walking with his arm around me. what is going on? I am feeling so tempted that I had to put a stop to it. I grabbed his arm and in wrapped myself. but this second his arm left my skin, I felt cold and lonely.

"What? you don't like being my girlfriend."

"I really don't like being someone's pretend girlfriend!"

"Well than let's change that." he said while winking.

Yes! a million times yes! wait, no. a million times no! he is a player, Audrey. stop thinking a guy like him could actually care about you. you are just another one of his targets. well we will just see about that!

"Ugh. in your dreams." I said in a serious tone so he would really believe me. and boy, did he! his whole face went pale and sad. like he was really not expecting that. I felt bad, but something inside me wanted to show him I really was not going to be one of his targets. "awe... what's wrong? little cammy never got rejected before?"

He didn't reply and just stood next to me awkwardly, while of course I had a victory grin on. finally someone will show this player what some girls are made of. that he can't just go around and have several girlfriends in a time span of a week!

"You know you can be really brutal." he suddenly says.

"Yeah well so can you." I said kind of harshly.

"What have I done!"

"I have lived here for one day and when I was sitting at dinner I heard two girls run out of your house screaming something like 'how could you' or 'cheater' and my personally favorite 'really with my sister'. you do this. I know guys like you. and let me just say it disgusts me what you do to women. tell me, do you know how many hearts you have broken? and it's all perfectly matched with the stupid bad boy look!" I wasn't kidding. two girls, I'm guessing sisters, came running out of his house screaming, and crying, all that stuff.

"Wow" was all he could say and "yeah" was all I could. "you really have it bad for me don't you?" his sad pale face turning into a large grin. I was really taken aback by this. it made me furious that he thinks every girl is head over heals for him. "I think your ego has taken over once again." I said with an annoyed tone. "it's okay I kind of think its cute."

Why am I blushing!? he is saying this because now I am his target! gosh!

"Don't call me that!" I said furiously.

"What? cute?" he asked with an even bigger grin. if that's even possible. I nod my head not trusting my mouth to be calm and rational. I knew if I opened my mouth I would say something I regret. "okay..... cutie!" he said while wrapping his ran around me once again. pealing it off of me, grunting. I was really annoyed with him!

"what I didn't say 'cute'"

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