It's hard out here for a pimp

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The crew walks into the club finding a table and sitting down.

They sit and look around. A couple walks by a white girl and a black guy.

"Ok is there something in the water , event , a movie , some drakr song , that stated black men should stop dating black girls" Jazz says

Luca looks up from his phone "maybe it was the Wendy Williams photos"

Making Vic chuckle.

Vivek nods "yeah those pics were pretty devastating "

Jazz rolls her eyes "I'm just starting to think this shit is a problem"

Ana speaks up "oh come on it's probably just a slow night"

Everyone nods agreeing with her.

"No it's a slow semester" Jazz states sassily

Sky nods "Facts , in highschool dudes were always checking for us"

Vivek squints "but didn't you guys go to South central high" Earning a look from the twins. "I'm just saying this is a predominantly white school the pool for black guys are much smaller"

"Yeah and some of the pool is gay and most of the athletes like white girls , so we're left with very few options" Jazz says "which are dudes who don't seem to be checking for us"

Vic shakes her head.

Nomi eyes get wide as she speaks "oh my god are you saying you haven't had any action since you've here?"

The girls get silent.

"Sky you don't count you've had Vic"

Making everyone laugh.

"But seriously why not try dating someone who isn't black?"

Jazz speaks up "why should we have to change our preferences?"

Vic looks at her "why should they have to change theirs? , i mean it's not even that deep the dudes here just want someone to hook up with no matter what race or color , they're just trying to smash"

Jazz looks at her crossing her arms "Hey Vic what was the race of that girl you hooked up with? , oh yeah that's right Latina...soooo next"

Vic winces as she feels Sky glare at her. "I would defend myself but either way I'm fucked" She says looking at Sky.

"Anyway I feel you guys i mean I'm all about black girls" Aaron says then looks at Nomi "don't take this the wrong way but there's no way i could like go there with you"

Nomi fake smiles at him "and hey don't take this the wrong way but I'd make you wear two condoms"

Vic laughs fist high fiving Nomi.

Aaron shakes his head "ok..But honestly  Vic if you didn't have a penis you'd be perfect for me"

Vic grins "aww dude if you didn't have a penis you'd be perfect for me too"

They fist bump each other saying "buds"

Everyone shakes their head at their strangeness.

Aaron speaks again "but yeah i just can't imagine not dating a queen"

Luca chuckles "word that's how you feel?"


"You do like dating queens when they're Egyptian not Nubian" Luca says shrugging

Vic leans back "oh shit mic drop"
Earning a smile from Sky.

Vic smiles back. The two have been getting along well hanging out more , joking , cuddling , late night talks , everything has been going great.

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