Late Nights

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"Play 'Remember Me' Dad!" Isabel begged. "The version that you played for mom when you asked her out!" Dad's face looked red as he smiled.

"No, you should play 'Un Poco Loco' the way you did at the talent show!" I yelled.

"You need Aunt Socorro for that, the three of them sang it all together, REMEMBER??" She said. I glared at her. She was trying to get dad to sing her song by using little hints.

"Oh yeah! Guess I'm just a little LOCO for forgetting that!" I snarled back. Dad then strummed his guitar. Something was about to settle this mini argument.

"Say that I'm crazy, or call me a fool..." He began.

"But last night it seemed, that I dreamed about you..." Mom sang as she came into the room, smiling at the three of us.

"When I opened my mouth, what came out was a song.." Isabel added on. I knew this was going to become a full on music session.

"And you knew every word, and we all sang along!!!" I yelled the last words of the intro, I grabbed my guitar and started playing.

We were all singing, and playing and having fun. Living in the moment, just going where the music took us. (if you get that i will BE SO HAPPY!)

~~~~~~~~~A Few Hours Later~~~~~~~~~

We ate dinner and finished our singing session and it was time for Mom and Dad to tell the tall tale once again. We sat down In the living room on our couch and listened once again. Instead of highlighting everything they always spoke the whole story. Yes, I loved it. However, this story was getting a little excessive and I felt like I was hearing it to much.

"Mijo? You alright?" My mom whispered from across the room. I just nodded. She gave me a smile, but I could tell it wasn't genuine.

"Just feel like this story is a little worn out Mama..." I whispered back.

Oh dear gosh, I'm sounding like a five year old. She nodded, then she smiled for real. I guess she knew how I felt after all. The story finished, and everyone was getting ready for bed. I didn't bother to change into my pajamas or anything, I was comfortable in what I was in.

I checked to make sure all of my family was asleep and got my guitar out of the living room. I thought I heard footsteps, but it was probably just my imagination. I snuck the guitar back into my bedroom.

I sat on my bed thinking of what to play. I was up until eleven or twelve most nights. Sometimes even one or two A.M. I'm just surprised nobody has ever caught me. I looked to the mini ofrenda I made and smiled at it.

"Will I ever get to see you all?" I whispered, looking at them.

~Isabel's POV~

I was about to fall asleep when I heard faint guitar strums. I thought I was just dreaming, until I got up and realized it was getting closer. As I crept up to my door, I set my head against it hearing the music clearly now. I slowly opened my door and headed to Fernando's room. His door was slightly cracked, so I walked in.

"ISABEL!" He yelled. Then he covered his mouth, probably realizing the stupid mistake he just made. I hear Mom and Dad talking from their room.

"You idiot! Your going to get both of us in trouble now!" I yelled in his face. He looked hurt, and frowned.

"I was never going to be in trouble until you came in Isabel!" He yelled back. Then Mom and Dad came in...

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