Author's Note

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First of all, thank you for reading my story! And extra thanks to those who have voted!

I'd just like to say that I've been doing my best to write and post a new chapter regularly, however, I applogise for going on hiatus over the weekends, I tend to leave service friday-sunday so fridays and mondays are sometimes a bit too busy for me to update.

Another thing, I'm starting to get into the fast-farwarded movie scenes. I debated with myself over what to do with this: whether I should elaborate on what happens over what I presume to be the rest of the school year, or if I should copy the movie and kind of just skip right through it. 

I think I've settled on doing snippet chapters so I apologize in advance if the chapters get shorter but I will do my best to add them more often. I would appreciate your opinions on this!

Also, verdicts on smut scenes? There's a good chance most of the snippet chapters will have quite a few, so long as you guys are enjoying them.

Thanks again!

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