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I woke up to the sound of Allstar by Smashmouth going off. I reach for my phone to unplug it from the charger, so I could answer it.
"Hey, Pidge. What's up?" I asked her. "Dude, dude!" She excitedly said into the phone. "You know that gay bar, that I've been talking about all week?"
" Yeah, what about it?" I asked. "Well, Lance. You know how we have a band and stuff. Well, I have it to where we're playing there tonight!"
" Wait,... Seriously! No way, that awesome Pidge. Fuck yeah!" I semi-yelled into the phone. "We need to be there by 9:30PM to get are stuff together, and we'll start playing at ten." She instructed me. "Alright, I'll meet y'all there."

I hung up, and got out of bed. I made my way to the bathroom so I could get the hot water started for my shower.
I got in the shower and let the water fall on my face for a bit. I cleaned myself up and got dressed.

I was waiting for Hunk to pick me up. He was a little late to pick me up which made me panic a little. When I got in his car, Pidge was sitting in the back seat. Hunks car smelled like sweet bread, the ones that would go good with coffee. Hunk put the car in reverse so he could back out of the driveway, then left the apartments.

As we drove down the street we spotted someone at a bus-stop . He caught our attention as he had nice, snow white hair. We realized that it was Shiro. He was a professor at our college. He taught astronomy and referred his students as his star children. The people in his class call him space dad. So it's kinda an inside joke between him and the rest of his students.
Hunk pulled up close to the bus-stop. "Hey Lance, roll-down the windows so we can ask if he wants a ride to the college with us!"
I rolled down the window and called out to Shiro. "Hey Shiro! Would you like a ride with us?"
Shiro looked surprised and shrugged.
"Sure. If I keep waiting here, I'm going to end up late." Pidge unlocked the car door and Shiro hopped in. "I like the new hair Shiro, looks good on you." I told him. "Ha, thanks Lance. I decided to try something new, I figured it was time to have it all the same color."

The rest of the drive was Pidge and Shiro talking about constellations and horoscopes. Once we arrived, Shiro gave each of us a hi-chew. He gave Pidge two because of the whole space convo they had.
We all got out of the car and headed to are classes.

Thank you for working on this with me! Y'all go follow her, and read her stuff! Please.

I met him at a gay bar.Where stories live. Discover now