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❛He Made It Where Nothing Really Matters.❜

The cold winter air brushed harshly against Wooseok's face. Turning his soft pale cheeks, red and ice cold. As he continued to walk down the empty streets. The morning train was the only thing that echoed throughout the desolate city. The rumbling of the tracks, and the loud horn was all that filled his ears as they played in the distance. It was the only melody he knew; it was a terrible one, but he still knew it. Only because the city was never awake at six am. Which unluckily, was the time Wooseok normally had to be at work.

Letting out a sigh of relief, he didn't even know he was holding. As he approached the tiny little shop, at the end of the street. Quickly opening the glass door, that led into the shop. Feeling the warm air hit him, as he walked in. Melting at the comforting heat, that the shop provided. Letting the imaginary ice sickles melt from his face.
Already regretting not wearing a jacket this morning, as the painful burning sensation kicked in just a few moments after he entered. Hissing at the fire that burned across his face.

"Little cold, isn't it?" A voice asked, from somewhere inside the building. Quickly catching Wooseok's attention, as he searched around the tiny shelves that were filled with all different types of nic nacs, and other extremely old antiques in shop.
Hoping to find a customer, but to only be faced with his co-worker Hyunggu. Who for some reason was in, very early.

You could obviously tell the boy was tired, and drained. From the looks of his posture, and obvious dark circles that laid underneath the boy's chocolate brown eyes. He looked like the definition of a zombie, just from where he was standing at the front counter.

"Why are you in so early?," The tall boy asked, as he began to make his way to the back room. With Hyunggu following suit. "Is this about Changgu again?" He questioned, turning around to see this shorter leaning up against the door way. Obviously pissed at the tall loser.

"What makes you think it's cause of him?" Hyunggu snapped "I always try to get here before the morning train you know." He simply answered, annoyed at the younger's highly invasive questions. Giving the tall boy a nice eye roll, before joining him in the room.
Wooseok knew that Hyunggu's boyfriend was always a private matter. The boy would never discuss things about his boyfriend, all he would ever do was remind whoever had asked that they were both fine and perfectly happy together. Despite only meeting the younger's boyfriend once (on accident), he knew they both liked their relationship to be private, and Wooseok respected that. Even though their bond was a bit off to Wooseok, yet he never had the guts to question it. He'd just let it eat him away, until the worries were erased from his mind.

And that's how he fixed all his problems.

"Okay, I was just curious," Wooseok said defensively, as he made his way to the back of the dusty room. Finding the only lone table in the conner of the break room, two chairs for the two employees who were lucky enough to snag the seats. Even though the set was worn and torn just like everything else in the shop, nobody seemed to mind it. Mostly because the generations would rather pull out their big toenail, than have to stand and drink their morning coffee. And if the young boy was being honest with himself, he'd do the same.
As he sat down in the wooden chair, already feeling the peeled leather through his shorts.

"Come. Sit." The younger motioned, gently tapping the spot across from him. Inviting the elder to join him. And although Hyunggu didn't want to, he would much rather sit with the annoying boy than actually do his job. So it was no surprise when the other quickly jumped on the offer, already taking a seat.

"So? Have you heard the news lately?" Hyunggu questioned, raising a brow at the other suggestively, like it was some oddly perverted joke, which Wooseok and his two brain cells wouldn't have gotten anyway.

"Umm...do I look forty to you?" The younger asked, very offended at his so called 'friend's' assumption, proving the theory of Wooseok's two brain cells to be correct.
Causing Hyunggu to let out the longest sigh he has ever let out in his twenty long years of living. bringing his right hand up to his face to run his thumb, and pointer finger across his eyebrows.

"How have you not heard the news you dingbat?" Hyunggu groaned, now letting his face hit the black chipped table. "There is literally only two channels on your tv, and I know for a fact that you don't watch PBS kids." He stated, head still face down on the table.

"Okay, okay, I watch the news." Wooseok admitted, only because he knew he couldn't lie his way out of this. Hyunggu has been to his apartment a handful of times, and he knew Wooseok was too broke to afford actual cable. So the boy often relied on the satellite channels to tame his boredom, which sadly was only the news, and the kids' program.

"I knew it," The elder plainly said, as he pulled his head off the table, and began to rest it on his palm.
"so," he continued. "Have you heard about the recent pay rise that was suppose to happen?" He asked, tilting his head while the other starred at him with confusion.
"You know, it was supposed to bring a whole bunch of  people to this town, bring us more pay."

"Oh, now I know what you're talking about." The younger realized, forming his lips into giant 'o' shape as he finished his sentence.

"Wow you're really fucking dumb, do you even know what's happening on your own front door step? How sad." the elder stated, quickly getting up from the table, and making his way out of the break room. Causing the younger to follow like a little ducking...well a very tall duckling.
As they both made their way out of the room, and into the public area of the shop. Seating themselves behind the counter, where they tended to spend most of their day. Waiting, and watching for any oncoming customers. Letting their bodies relax, as they sat in the quite fancy office type chairs that were supplied to the cashiers. The pair sitting in comfortable  silence, even though the elders question still lingered in Wooseok's mind, as they both sat there for about two minutes, not exchanging a single word to each other. And the one thing Wooseok loved more than anything was silence, and it looked like it was gonna stay there for a while, both mentally agreeing to pick up on their conversation at another time.

As he watched the outside word through the window in the shop, giving whoever was working at the cash register a lovely view of the street. The empty street.  The lonesome outlook, to the dead quiet city.

The only thing awake was the black crows, that seemed to haunt the morning sky; he himself wasn't even awake yet.
The city was a ghost town in the morning, and at night.

It was all so quiet, until the sound of tires rolling down the empty street caught Wooseok's attention. Causing his mocha brown eyes to dart to the window, catching a tiny glimpse of a small yellow taxi, that left an odd sick feeling in the boy's gut.

There was just something about it. Something about the way the vehicle seemed to move. It just told Wooseok that this was going to be the longest day of his life.


but I hope you like it even though it's trash :)

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