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The look Hyunggu had on his face was nothing short of comical, eyes wide with his mouth agape. He was completely flabbergasted at Wooseok's outburst. It was out of nowhere, and Hyunggu didn't even know where to begin. Should he profusely apologize to the man, or lecture Wooseok about his potty mouth? Both options only seemed to lead to dead ends in Hyunggu's mind, but apologizing to the stranger seemed like a better option than losing his job.

Which he wouldn't have to worry about if his mind could conjure a way out of the situation, but before he could really think of a way out, his small laughs were already filling the shop. Which made the atmosphere even more tense and incredibly more awkward if you ask him.  It was already too late to turn back now, the poor boy's brain had already switched into autopilot, and the little part of him that was left was already praying to whatever god that was out there not to let him fuck up in front of this very handsome stranger.

He could already feel his laughter die down, and his mouth begin to form words. "ah! I'm so very sorry, sir. My friend here his a bit of an asshole," he said loudly, sending a death glare right at Wooseok. Which didn't seem to phase him that much now, he looked too pissed off to even care if the elder was gonna rip him in half or not. "Please ignore this big idiot and tell me again, what were you looking for?"

The tall stranger had obviously fallen for Hyunggu's puppy eyes, because he found himself completely discarding the other man's comment, and giving in to the other man's politeness. "I wanted to see if this shop has any old paintings." He said, his deep voice hitting an octave lower than normal

"Old paintings?" Hyunggu asked, his right brow slightly easing in the process. Nobody has ever asked for paintings before, they always assumed all of them were either stained, falling apart, or had a weird mildew smell. "Oh, well they're right over there, in the corner with all frames, sir." He said politely, pointing to the farthest, and darkest corner of the shop. watching as the tall stranger made his way over to that section.
The man disappearing the behind shelves and old antiques gave Wooseok the perfect opportunity to grab Hyunggu, and drag him to the other side of the shop. Pulling him behind the walls of decretive flowers and vases, so both were out of sight from the man.

"What are you doing Hyunggu!? That guy was the asshole I was telling you about!" The taller exclaimed, trying to keep his voice below a whisper while he chewed out the elder. "Why do you think I told him to fuck off, huh? I'm not just going to say that to some random ass customer and risk getting my ass beat!" He cried. His over exaggerative side showing more and more as he went on.

Hyunggu though, just gave him an annoyed look in return, completely disregarding the taller's claims from earlier that day. glaring back at the giant that stood before him. "Okay, first of all lower your damn voice." Hyunggu whispered, giving the taller a huge smack across the shoulder. Which had him wincing in pain at the smaller's hit, "Second of all, don't you think your being a little over dramatic?" He reasoned, knowing how Wooseok can sometimes exaggerate his encounters with other people. He could make the nicest old lady sound like a horrible person if she said something wrong to him, and on some days if you even breathe wrong at Wooseok, he'll make it seem like you killed your mother and ate all your babies as they were being birthed, kind of like how Saturn devoured his children upon birth.

"You're making a big deal out of nothing, and I don't think it's fair to your new neighbor." Hyunggu said, his words not quite getting to Wooseok's brain, but they seemed to have at least penetrated a layer of his skull.

"Maybe you're partially right.." He whispered in defeat, now choosing to look anywhere else but Hyunggu. Too scared to make eye contact over the fear that Hyunggu might actually incinerate him from how hard he's staring into his soul. But no stare could completely break Wooseok, after all, he LIVED to push Hyunggu's buttons. "Butyouropinionreallydoesn'tmatterinthissituationgottagobeforehestealssomethingbye." He rushed out.
Quickly walking out of the floral section and making his way over to the front counter. Where he could see the man standing, and very patiently waiting for someone to appear behind the counter. Wooseok could tell he had a very dark painting in his hand,  very similar to painting called "The Anguished man.", but instead of bright warm and cool colors, the painting was all decked out in black and white. Which also seemed to match the man's outfit perfectly, a white shirt with black pants, black shoes, and a black bulky jacket. All seemed to fit his slender frame quite nicely, even his long legs looked good in his skin tight jeans.

He looked really good, but Wooseok will never admit it. For as long as he will live.

"Are you gonna ring this up?" The man asked, gently motioning to the painting in his hand. "Or are you gonna keep checking me out?" He asked, back still turned to Wooseok.

His last comment left Wooseok's cheeks flushed.  He had been caught, eyeing a man he claims to resent— he really wanted to be buried six feet under right now. Embarrassment flowing through his veins along with a hint of anger.

And Wooseok just glared at him. Trying to burrow as far into the other's soul as he could, but was ultimately unsuccessful. So, he just settled for a small "sure." and quickly got behind the counter, and scanned the painting's bar code with their 400 year old scanner. Ringing it up at 36,000 won.

the man put down 38,000 won, and left with his painting in hand.

He just left, without his change, and without his receipt. He didn't even bother to spare a second glance.

He could tell that this would not be their last encounter.

This is unedited but I'm sorry I just wanted to get a chapter out for y'all cuz I haven't updated in like what??? Almost 9 months??? ooooooppppps

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