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"He's an absolute stuck up snob, probably the most inconsiderate stuck up asshole I've ever seen." Wooseok cursed as he continued to stab open his cardboard box with his scissors. Him and Hyunggu were both sat back in the storage room, unpacking boxes of old antiques as their boss requested. And Wooseok was obviously not very happy about it, considering he was still a little bit ticked off from yesterday. "You should've been there Hyung," Wooseok went on. "He is the biggest asshole I've talked to in my almost twenty years of living, and that's saying a lot because I'm somehow friends with you." He chuckled, letting a little ease wash over him as he ranted to the other.

"You know I'm holding sharp scissors right now, right?" Hyunggu asked "You know they could somehow accidentally end up in your neck anytime." He said with a cold expression, obviously not pleased with the younger's comment.

"Come on ggu." He said, "I was just joking, lighten up a little, would you?" he joked.

"Yeah. Lighten up," Hyunggu chuckled, as he continued to stab open boxes in a serial killer like way. "Light is the key seokie." He said in a chilling voice, "Like how you're going to feel light headed when I stab these scissors in your neck." He threatened, holding up the pair of scissors like a sharp butcher knife, making a small stabbing motion towards his own neck.

"okay, okay hyung, I get it." Wooseok said as he held his hands up in defense. "I'm sorry." He apologized as he felt a little bit of fear run through him. Even though Wooseok was a lot bigger than Hyunggu, he never underestimated the small guy. He could be cute and sweet one minute, and literal Satan the next. It was like Hyunggu was one of those 1,000-piece puzzles; he could never figure them out. They were too complex, and way too advanced to try and solve.

That was the way Woosok felt about Hyunggu.

"it's okay!" he cheerfully replied, pulling out a few blue button earrings from the box he had previously stabbed. "I know you think your new neighbor is an ass Wooseokie, but hey? Maybe this is a good thing?" Hyunggu said, as he collected a few of the items he had retrieved out of three boxes, and carrying them out into the shop area. Preparing to restock them.

"What makes you think that?' Wooseok questioned, walking back to the shop area where Hyunggu was. Taking a seat behind the counter, as he watched the elder do his work.

"Well maybe you could...you know? Use this chance to get laid." Hyunggu said bluntly, "I know you haven't gotten any in months Wooseokie; a good hyung always knows." He said smiling brightly at the now rosey cheeked other.

"Hyung!" Wooseok wined "Not everything is about sex, plus I don't even know him."

"Wow, I thought one-night stands were your thing." Hyunggu said "Guess I was wrong." He shrugged, finally done with the restocking. Letting out a loud grunt as he hoisted himself off the hard floor, grabbing the cardboard box and walking back into the storage room.

"What in your right mind made you think that?" Wooseok questioned, "I don't whore myself out like you hyung." He said, regretting his sentence a little bit in his mind. He was telling the truth, his friend was a hoe, and if it wasn't for being in a committed relationship with a man he loved Wooseok's pretty sure he'd be partying as hard as he did in high school. Going over to random places in the middle of the night, getting drunk off his ass, and letting random people snort shit off his titties. The thought just made Wooseok shudder, the horrid memories of those house parties and the shit that his hyung got involved in was terrifying. To this day Wooseok doesn't even know how the elder sleeps peacefully at night, maybe it's because he just forgot like Wooseok wishes he could. Sadly though, the trauma was still there for him. He might have grown up in a Podunk town, but here? the law was rarely enforced. One could only imagine the shit that psychos brought to a high schoolers house party just because they knew they could get away with it

"Stop bringing up high school asshole." Hyunggu spat as he walked back out of the storage room, chucking an empty box at Wooseok's head. "I'm a changed man." He proudly stated, "I have a home with the man I love an-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you love him I get it." Wooseok interrupted, he knew he was just going to piss the elder off more, but he got satisfaction from that in some weird way. "You speak cheesy shit when you speak about your boyfriend hyung." Wooseok said, rolling his eyes to the back of his head once he sees the elders hand move to his hip in a sassy way, almost like that man did to him last night. Oh, how he hated him.

"I'm about three seconds from strangling you with the drapes Jung Wooseok." Hyunggu growled, his face holding a light tint of red to emphasize how irritated he was with the younger. "First you call me a whore, then you interrupt me while I was talking. Like where's the respect?" the elder questioned, "Didn't you learn from your mom's wooden paddle? POW, POW, POW." He said, waving his hand as if he was spanking a child.

"Really hyung? Don't pull that card." Wooseok warned, shaking his pointer finger at the elder. "You'll know how this will end."

And Hyunggu knew exactly how it would end. It would end in a big argument that would leave them both avoiding each other for weeks, until one of them finally grows a pair and apologizes. The only difference this time is that Hyunggu was going to be the bigger person.

"Okay, fine! You win loser." Hyunggu hissed, giving the younger a big eyeroll. "Next time you're not going to win you little fucke-."


The sound of the door chime cut him off, sending a loud ring all throughout the shop. Causing the attention of both males to turn to the door, seeing a tall man standing in the door way. Wooseok's eyes instantly narrowing at the sight of him, as the man slowly walked up to the cashier's desk. Wearing ripped blue jeans, and a black graphic tee that had some random American band printed on it, all which complemented his messy hair nicely. Giving the man kind of a grungy aesthetic look. Wooseok could just see the smirk on his face as he approached the cashiers desk, which Wooseok just happened to be standing behind.

"Do you guys happen to have any paint bru-."

"Fuck off."



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