Boy Meets Evil - BTS Hoseok

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My sin was not specifically this or that but consisted of having shaken hands with the Devil. The Devil held me in his clutches, the enemy was behind me.

Boy Meets Evil

Large grey clouds overtook the sky. Thunder began to rumble, lightning following, flashing white all over the sky and lighting up the dark city for a brief moment before everything went dark again.

Thankfully you made it inside the club before the rain began to fall. You squinted, finding it hard to see with all the colorful lights flashing around, but still managed to make out your friend sitting on a stool and likely ordering drinks.

You immediately walked over to her, taking a seat and tapping her shoulder. She looked over, a frown on her face, but broke into a smile when she saw it was you.

"Oh, you're here! I'm glad you got here fast, I would've started drinking without you," she laughed, placing an arm around your shoulders.

"Look closely, my dear friend. This is a sea, but tonight, we are professional fishers. This sea is full of hot, single men and we have brand new equipment," she began.

"What the hell are you going on about?"

"Yes! Hold up a second. Hey, bartender? Yeah, can I have a shot of tequila? No, no, just one. Actually, no, get my friend here one as well. Okay, listen to me, love," she began, turning to you. "We are going to fish ourselves some hot guys and let them take us to their house, and we can have a great time, then the next morning we'll be gone," she finished, clapping her hands together like it was the best thing she'd planned in her entire life.

"You're suggesting we have one night stands?" you laughed out.

She took the shot glass which had been placed in front of her and drank it, slamming the glass down and letting out a sigh. "That is exactly what I'm saying."

"I really don't want to. All of that is kind of a waste of time for me," you told her. The idea of hooking up with a stranger made the hair on your arms stand. It gave you shivers, and not the good kind.

"Here, here. Take your damn shot and do as I say," she said, shoving the glass in your hand. You'd refused her idea but you wouldn't refuse drinking. You immediately downed the liquor and slammed the glass down just as your friend had.

The liquid burned as it made its way down your throat, leaving a nasty taste behind. You ordered another round and drank those as well.

"That's the spirit!" your friend laughed, ordering some for herself as well and drinking them.

"Now, let's go dance and see who shows up," your friend winked. She stood, left a few bills on the counter, grabbed your hand, and yanked you out to the club's dance floor.

Sweaty bodies moved against each other to the beat of the music. The floor flashed various colors, lighting up the faces surrounding you, yet the darkness of the club still cast shadows upon everyone's faces.

Your friend took both your hands, a big smile on her face as she bounced around. You followed, moving around and trying your best to sway your hips to the beat of the music.

To say it was awkward was an understatement. You didn't know how to dance, so moving around basically consisted of side stepping to the beat of the music and plastering a smile on your face to make it seem that you weren't uncomfortable.

About ten minutes passed this way, your friend having the time of her life and you watching her while shuffling your feet around and trying to have a good time. It was then that the alcohol began to hit.

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