Destined Decisions

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 Jack stood from his position of reading, and reached down to grab my hand so I could steady myself and join him.

"Give Will Turner the Dutchman, without the curse. Give the position of ferrying souls back to the dreadful Davy Jones, and let him sail the Seven Seas again, far away from us."

I looked over to Will, whose hysterically happy face turned to Elizabeth. She grabbed him, holding his cheeks and kissing him sweetly. My eyes swept across Calypso as well, who had a hidden look of relief and gratitude in her eye. Her lover would sail again, and she could once again hold him as the sea holds pirates.

I looked to Jack, indicating it was his turn. He picked up the book, furrowing his brow and turning it sideways to inspect it. "Here, bookie bookie. Are you listening to Good Ol' Jack?"

I huffed, crossing my arms impatiently. "On with it."

"Very well." He cleared his throat, preparing his hands for gesturing and a genuine appearance possessing his face.

Well that's new.

"The cursed and uncontrollable admiration that Olivia Stafford and I share. I wish for it to stop forcing itself to be there against our wishes, controlling our thoughts and being unavoidable. I wish for it to be a matter of choice, and if we choose to sail the Seas and live for ourselves, without the haunting and gnawing hold of admiration, it will be so."

The book shut. The water ceased its infernal quivering. I looked around at the faces of my friends, all whom were asking themselves the same question.

Did it work?

I looked back at Jack, who stood there, waiting to see my grateful reaction for his wish of releasing me from my love for him.

Or, admiration, that is. He'd never call it what it was.

I wasn't grateful.

"I think we're done here."

I strode down the dock, heading towards the land. I needed out of here... a new life. I needed land. Any land. Land is the first step to a new beginning. I was finished with the chapter-- or Bible, really-- of my life that involved Jack Sparrow.

The shocked faces of everyone lined the dock on either side and watched me stroll away, horrified as if they'd seen someone die before their eyes. A sick chuckle came from Jack's throat, and heat of anger welled into my peachy cheeks that he once again didn't have the reaction I wanted.

"Oi, look at her! Just as I thought. As soon as she was free from me, off she goes! Goodbye, strumpet. One gone, and many just like her to come."

I was tired of him denying his emotions. I was done.

I spun around to meet him, wailing with rage.

"The breaking of the 'curse' is not what turned me from you! Your pushing me away is what did. Congratulations, it finally worked! When are you going to get it through your stubborn, stupid, dimwitted head that it is not and has never been a burden to love you? When are you going to realize that nothing was ever as valuable to me as staying with you? You trying to protect me is no excuse for abandoning me. You 'freeing me from shackling admiration' doesn't justify you using some blasted curse to excuse me from your presence! Choosing to protect my life by pushing me away makes neither of us happier than before. For the sake of mother and child, Jack, I would've rather died than be forced to leave you... how do you think being in love works?!" For a moment, his eyes softened before I turned back around, fuming. I strode two more steps before hearing his voice again.

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