Wass lickin?

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"Aye!" Cazzie holds out as a greeting. I cocked a small smile.

"Was lickin'?" He laughed at my pun. Currently Cazzie was licking a blunt together while Michael was just texting lightning fast.

"Was Gucci, mew?" Mew glanced up and crackled a laugh.

"Who even says that?" He chuckled a little.

Micheal mew, known as "Mew' was a junior in Saint Ignatius. He got all the girls, didn't want commitment, and true to his identity.  Mew was one of the white boys, but he was Asian, which made it funny, cause he acted white so it all flowed through.  Mew was  a virgin, out of all his friends, he was one of the nice and worst guys.

"Bonnie?" I blinked and smiled widely.


"Wanna go smoke?" Cazzie asked rolling another blunt.  I made a face, "Maybe." Cazzie sat next to me and nudged my shoulder giving me his sexy smile.

Hunter Cazzie Cutting was a sophomore who attended Mission High. Known as 'Cazzie', but I call him Hunter because no one else does. Cazzie was also a virgin. He had never been the dating type but everyone loved the dirty blonde dude. He had a fit build and didn't have a care in the world.

"Come on Bonnie, you can't miss this one." I rolled my eyes at Cazzies puppy eyes. Coughed a laugh out once I answered with a simple nod.  Mew and Cazzie smiled widely.

"Finally," Mew breathed out. I pushed his shoulder. We got off the train and walked towards his house. 

I was walking next to Cazzie and Mew in the front leading us to his house.  Cazzie held the large blunts in one baggy and tucked it in his bag. He put his arm around mine and laced his fingers between my horrible polished nubs.

Arriving to Mews house, we walked through. "FUCKER" Mew shouted through out the house. Cazzie and I snickered.

"Mikey harder, MIKEY" I held in my laugh begging to come out. Cazzie put his face in the crook of my neck to hide his chuckle. I shrugged him off and walked towards Mews room. Cazzie followed me inside and closed the door as we faintly heard Mew yelling at his brother for bringing another girl home.

Cazzie took a blunt out and lit it. I watched him as he inhaled the smoke a couple times before passing it to me. I took a breath and blew the smoke onto my phone.

Cazzie watched the smoke slowly move off the screen. Stared at my phone with the faint smoke still on it, "Dope," he said faintly. 

He patted his knee, and nudged his head towards me. I rolled my eyes and sat closer. "Better?" He nodded with his straight dirty blonde locks moving with.

Cazzie had a sting look in his eyes." Wanna try something?" I nodded cautiously. "Sit on my lap." He said.

Squinting my eyes at him."What? No!" Cazzie gave me a look. I sighed."Fine." Scooting myself over, Cazzies hands suddenly found my sides and lifted me onto his lap.

I squealed in surprise. He chuckled. "Ready? Open your mouth"  I nodded slowly, he took a hit from the blunt and circled his hand around my neck and pulled me in.

Our lips were close. Lips were almost touching. Cazzie exhaled the fog ,I inhaled and a flash went off.

"Jesus. That was artsy as fuck." Mew suddenly came in. He walked towards us but slowed down his pace,"Did I interrupt something?"

"Yeah, actually." Cazzie and I blurted out. I blushed and shook my head. Standing up in a rush. "I have to go." I grabbed my bag and rushed out of Mews house.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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