18 (Dan pt.2)

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I stared at the ceiling, too tired to sleep. That made no sense to me, unable to sleep because I needed to sleep. My mind was whirring and wouldn't shut off though. Thoughts of the last two days surrounding me.

I was in so much trouble.

I really liked Phil, which was so weird because I avoided most interaction with people. But even the first time I saw him, I knew there was something special about him. If I hadn't, I would've called someone to help him, instead of trying to help him myself. I noticed all the little things he did. The way he'd smile when I'd make a terrible joke. The way he frowned when a serious topic was brought up. His confusion at the amount of cutlery at the table while we ate. The way his face lit up when he saw the library and garden.

I knew I shouldn't like him, crushes were called crushes for a reason. Because in the end, they crush you and leave you a broken mess. But I couldn't help myself. The mere thought of him brought a smile to my face. It also saddened me though, how much he'd gone through. It was too much for a person to handle by themselves. I'm so glad he gave me a chance to save him. 10 days, with 2 already passed. I only had 8 days left to prove to him that life was worth living.

I was drifting off into a half-sleep. The kind that you're aware of your surrounding, but you can't open your eyes. That's when I heard pacing and moving around a few door down. I didn't think it was Christine, who was in the room to my left. It must've been Phil who was two doors down to my right. I groaned slightly and got out of bed, going to check what was wrong.

I knocked on his door but there was no answer, although I could clearly hear something in there. I opened the door anyway, seeing a crying, shaking Phil curled up on the floor.

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