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Trigger Warnings (I think): mild panic attack (I wrote it based off what panic attacks are like for me, I'm sure they're a bit different for everybody), helicopter crash

"We did ask to arm those helicopters. Shouldn't they know why?" I heard Houston speak to Randa as they loaded their things onto the helicopter.

I yanked on James's wrist, pointing to my ear and then them.

"Why? And raise an alarm? Purely precaution, Brooks." Randa hit his arm before walking ahead.

James looked at me, eyebrows furrowed. Why would they arm the helicopters? He shook his head, pulling on my arm.

"I don't think I want you to come." He whispered.

I shook my head, gripping the strap of the crossbow my father had given me when I was a child. "You aren't going out there on your own, I already told you."

He sighed.

"Look. I've got you taking care of me, Mason probably will too, and now I've definitely got Slivko watching my back."

He chuckled. "I saw. That was quite a kiss for a girl who 'doesn't do soldiers' don't you think?"

"Yeah, I'm a goner. But if you die in there, I die in there. Deal?"

"No. If you die in there, I die in there. But if I die in there, you make it out alive, marry Slivko, kick everyone's arses and take the money. Okay?" He clasped a hand on my shoulder.

My throat seemed to close off for a second, so I shut my mouth and I nodded. That was the least likely scenario. Chances are I would die out there, but James was practically a survivalist, so he would be fine.

"Irene." Jack broke from his stride next to the Colonel, his demeanor softening.

"What's up?" I asked as James subtly pulled me closer to him, hand still on my shoulder.

"We need a biological expert to direct us on dropping the explosives. Miss San needs to be with Mr. Randa and Mr. Brooks. Will you come with us?" He put air quotes around 'biological expert' before gesturing to his helicopter.

My eyes widened and I looked at James, who has stiffened significantly. His eyes were trained on Jack, a horrifying fire in them. Jack cleared his throat awkwardly, shifting his weight to one side. I shrugged James's hand off. He looked down to me, eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, I'll go." I nodded to Jack.

He nodded politely before taking a few steps back, giving us space.

"You're seventeen." James tugged my arm back.

"I know. I'll be fine. We'll land and then I'll stay with you. But I can't exactly say no." I scoffed.

James breathed hard, shakily. I softened, grabbing at his hand.

"Jay. I'll be alright. Don't worry about me. It's fifty or so miles out there. I'll tell them where they should drop the bombs. Jack'll land me, Reg will land you and Mason. The five of us will stick together. Okay?"

He bit at his lip before nodding. He sighed.

"Fine. Fine. You'll be fine." He mumbled, more as a reassurance for himself than me.

"Yeah. I'll be okay." I patted his arm.

"Here, I'll take your bow so you can talk to Slivko." He held his hand out for it as I tugged it off.

I pushed myself into his arms for a hug. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Everything's gonna be alright." He whispered with a soft tone.

The Commander's Sister // Reg SlivkoWhere stories live. Discover now