Poison Gas and Dog Tags

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We moved off the ploat and through the jungle in silence. I had my bow in one hand, the other holding Reg's. Jack and I hadn't realized until it was too late that we should've said something to Packard about not having stayed with the Sea Stallion. We settled along the river that had thinned into a creek, James pacing subtly while Hank filled a canteen and the rest of us sat. Reg dropped on a log and pulled on my hand, looking up at me. I sat on the floor between his legs, leaning my head against his thigh. He squeezed my hand.

"Their flare was only two clicks north. They should be here soon." James sighed.

"Unless they were eaten by something that's bigger than us." Mason muttered as she inspected her camera.

As if on cue, there was a cracking in the trees nearby. I felt Reg go stiff. I looked over at Jack, who already had his gun up. I moved to my feet and swung my bow up. Reg exclaimed as people emerged through the green blankets.

"Holy shit!" He ran to them.

I let my bow drop down and Jack let out a breath. It was the other soldiers. The noise level rose as they reunited, and Randa came from the crowd to greet San and Houston. Jack bumped my shoulder before walking over to Packard. I shuffled to James, who sadly also walked over to Packard.

"What's your count?" James asked.

"What you see, is what I got." Packard pointed back to his group.

"We lost one too." James sighed.

"Sir." Jack cleared his throat.

Packard turned to face him, poison in his eyes. "Chapman. Didn't I tell you to stay with the Sea Stallion and locate possible ambush sights?"

Jack nodded shortly, "You did sir, but I had a civilian. I tried to tell you, but the radio cut out."

Packard's jaw set and a dangerous air set itself around him. He raised his gun, butting it against Jack's shoulder. I swallowed hard.

"When I give you an order, you obey it. Understood?" He jabbed the gun harder, and Jack's poster faltered.

"Don't touch him." I snapped, knowing I was treading dangerous waters.

"Excuse me, young lady?" The gun came my way.

Jack opened his mouth but James shoved both me and him back, slamming the muzzle of Packard's gun down before getting in his face. Everyone had gone silent and I felt all eyes on us. Jack grabbed at my hand.

"Listen. Chapman may not be able to retaliate to you because he's under your supervision. But I'm a different story. If you touch her, I'll break both of your legs and leave you for dead." James growled.

"Good to see you fellas." Hank walked over cautiously, ready to diffuse the situation.

James pulled back and cleared his throat.

"Who the hell is this?" Packard asked.

"We picked up a hitchhiker." James responded, back to normal.

I felt Mason's hand come onto my shoulder from behind, pulling me to stand at her side. I complied and she wrapped her arm around my shoulders, squeezing tightly.

"Lieutenant Hank Marlow of the 45th pursuit squad." Hank introduced himself.

I saw Reg staring at me like a deer in headlights before taking the chance to distract the rest of them by pointing out Hank.

"You've been here since World War Two?" Packard asked, lowering his gun.

"Yes sir. I missed the parade?" Hank joked.

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