6.8K 118 15

Hello, it's Destiny! EXO IMAGINES just reached 700K readers and almost 6K votes which is absolutely insane. Normally Insane. Anyways, this would not be possible if it wasn't for you guys, my amazing readers! I hope you guys continue to read my imagines in the future and I promise I will become even better. I'm still learning so don't expect so much from me... From reading my first imagines to the ones I have now, I see a big difference. Please continue to support EXO IMAGINES!! I'll be listing my social media networks down below so feel free to follow me or so. Since I haven't really communicated with you all, if you have any questions, just ask me! Thanks for all the love! xoxo

Instagram : kpopaholic88_12 (Kpop Related) allkoreanpopworld (Kpop Related) destinylee_xoxo (Personal)

Twitter: leedestiny_xoxo

KiK: destinylee99

KaKaoTalk: destinyleexoxo

SnapChat: destinyleexoxo

Tumblr: destinyleexoxo

We Heart It: destinylee_xoxo

PhotoPing: destinylee_xoxo

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