Chapter 11

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"They probably won't even make it this far, Rain. And don't pretend you weren't thinking it, because you were," Master Ti chided, giving Rain a sidelong glance before returning her attention to the holomap, "Honestly, can you not get through a single day without thinking about cutting something up? Your sister was never so—"

"Do I look like Mira to you?" Rain interrupted coldly.

"Don't talk back, young lady," Shaak Ti said, almost sounding weary more than upset.

There was a tense silence between them that lasted only a few seconds before Rain broke it, "Assuming you are wrong though, and they do make it this far, you'll be needing me."

Shaak Ti uttered a long sigh, "We will see when Master Kenobi returns from his little errand."

Rain folded her hands behind her back, making an effort to mask her anticipation. When she had learned that the Separatists planned on attacking Kamino, she had half expected they would pack her up and send her off just to make sure she wouldn't be part of the action. But Shaak Ti had assured her that she wouldn't be going anywhere. Rain had struggled to hide her resulting swell of emotion—her worry over how the Separatists had reached so far as to threaten the very source of the Republic's army, and her restless expectation as she awaited the fast approaching time when she could finally put her skills to the test again. Shaak Ti had sensed her mood and now seemed angrier at her than ever, but Rain couldn't care less. Even better, Mira had accompanied Generals Skywalker and Kenobi along with a fleet of Republic warships to the planet to prepare for the Separatist's arrival. At the sight of her little sister, Rain couldn't restrain herself from smothering Mira in hugs and pelting her with questions of what she'd been up to in the time they'd been separated, while the elder Jedi knights watched with somewhat amused expressions. Mira had seemed a little reproachful toward her older sister, leading Rain to believe she was still upset over how they'd left things the night before her departure. But Mira didn't bring it up, so neither did Rain.

Mira wasn't able to stay long before she headed off with a unit under General Skywalker to back up the Republic blockade around Kamino. After that, Rain only stuck outdoors long enough to enjoy the unusually calm weather. It was one of the few days on which they'd experienced no storms, and it seemed to only add to the momentous occasion.

Things seemed to take a disappointing turn when Rain had been holed away with Master Ti and Master Kenobi in the command centre. Stopping only to aim sharp looks at Rain whenever she tried to approach, they had mused and muttered over the holomap until Kenobi disappeared on some errand. As of yet, he hadn't returned.

The sound of an alarm ripped through the silence and Rain immediately met Shaak Ti's eye. The deep purple of the Togruta's eye shone icily, and her lips pressed themselves into a firm line. But she said nothing.

Do you intend to hide up here in the command centre for the whole battle? Rain frowned, watching silently as Shaak Ti continued her endless staring at the holomap. Strategy is only a part of the fight, Master Ti. Besides, I'm sure the Separatists have no intention of hiding. And neither do I.

As the minutes ticked by, Rain cautiously joined the Togruta in her careful observation of the map. This time she was not denied, and a quick assessment revealed Trident-class assault ships drilling through the walls of the hangars and pouring battle droids into the city. Someone must have recalled the Republic strike force, because Rain could see the fighters returning to the surface.

So now Mira's fighting and I'm not, Rain thought, her hands balling into fists.

She could feel herself tensing as the battle raged on, the clones becoming overwhelmed and the droids flooding throughout the city. There seemed to be an endless stream of assault ships, slowly tearing the city to pieces.

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