Destruction of Danger

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(LEON'S POINT OF VIEW) I see something looking back through the window, at first it was blurry until I saw who it was. It was....(Y/N)! She was holding on to her grappling gun while she hangs off the window by a inch, I see her aim one of her Uzi's at the Big Cheese's head. Suddenly, I see her breathe out carefully and shoot his head. The Big Cheese turns around and notices she cracked the glass window, his foot moves off of my chest to turn to her. The Big Cheese starts charging at the window and jumps through, although she was already gone. I step closer to the window, I look outside before I see something appear on the left. "Watch Out!" I hear, I back away watching (Y/N) swing in with her grappling gun in hand. She plops down to the ground landing on her feet, she turns and presses a button for her grapple line to zip back. "I see you had fun" she says, "That's a way to put it" I reply.

(Y/N POINT OF VIEW) We notice a graveyard up ahead through the window, I was wondering "why would a graveyard be in the pathway of the church?" Although the silence was broken until I heard Leon say "Look!", I turn my attention over to where he was looking. "There is a building where the graveyard is" he said. "Let's head over there then" I responded, we both get out of the building we were in. Before walking over to the graveyard we sneakily check if there was anybody surrounding the area. Surprisingly no one, we walk through the gravestones and approach the broken down building. Leon tries to open the door but it's locked, but not long after we hear radio static. Leon takes the walkie talkie out to explain where we are and what's happening, although I tune out of the conversation to notice that there is a hole in the door. I wonder to myself "Something could actually fit in there", I quickly grabbed the walkie talkie and said "On the door there is an indentation, looks like something can fit inside" I say quickly. 

(Hunnigan)- "Well there is no use to stand around, you both have to find some way to get inside".

(Leon)- "We're on it".

(LEON'S POINT OF VIEW) I get nudged by (Y/N) to move around the building. While we go around we find another door, I put my hand and push...locked again. I take the lead and go to the back and notice a weird...pedestal, I go up to it and notice it's a puzzle. I look over to (Y/N) and tilt my head in confusion, "alright let's see" I say. There are symbols I've never seen before, and a huge turner. I remember symbols I saw all over the village and turn the thing, it takes me a while but I finally figure it out! I unlock a....Green Catseye.....whatever that is. It just looks like a gem, I turn to (Y/N) to see her impressed, "Glad your impressed at my skills" I said sarcastically. She replies with a stern "Don't let it go to your head", I chuckle under my breath as she finds a open gateway to a dock. We both hide behind bushes, "Let me see your Binoculars" she says while her hand is open. I hand her the binoculars and watch her look out and see whats happening, while she focuses on the dock I notice how calm she is at this time. I look at her face and notice she doesn't have any fear in her, I start to look at her eyes and how focus she gets. After two minutes of her looking, I notice I am still looking at her.

(Y/N POINT OF VIEW) After two minutes of me look through the binoculars I see only a few villagers, not that many. I pull down the binoculars and turn to Leon to say "I think we are good to move i-" I cut myself off. I look at him staring at me back, I wonder in my head "If he was staring at me the whole time?" Just  five seconds pass until I realize what we are doing, I cut the silence by clearing my throat and saying "I think we are good to move in", "right!" Leon responds. After him saying that I blink my eyes a few times and start walking closer to the dock. Leon starts following behind, not long after he says "What are they doing over there?", "What?" I say with shock. He grabs me by my shoulders and turns me to the two villagers dumping a body into the water. "Was that the?"...."Yes, the guy who drove us here" Leon says finishing my sentence. "Wait, why are they dumping bodies now?" I turn around to Leon looking for an answer, although he responds with a confused "I don't know".

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