A Fight to Continue

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(LEON'S POINT OF VIEW) We take the same route we came and notice the graveyard again, (Y/N) says "We need to pass the graveyard, that's the only route to the extraction point". I look at her and nod, we make our way until we see villagers pilled up. I tell Ashley to wait and stay so we can take them down. After taking them down I gesture Ashley to follow us, not long after we spot a long bridge. We start to cross over until all of us hear radio static, (Y/N) comes toward me. 

(Hunnigan)- "Guys, I have some bad news"

(Leon)- "I rather not hear it.."

(Y/N)- "Fire away" before saying that she exhales.

(Hunnigan)- "We lost contact with the chopper, someone must've shot it down...although we can't determine who" While saying this Leon and (Y/N) look at each other with annoyed expressions.

At the same time Leon and (Y/N) both say a sarcastic "Great".

(Hunnigan)- "We're prepping another chopper for you guys. Meanwhile I want all of you to head towards the extraction point."

(Leon)- "Got it"

(LEON'S POINT OF VIEW) After I put away my walkie, we all head up to the end of the bridge. We finally make it to the end about to continue our journey until (Y/N) shouts "Leon Look!" She points to a group up villagers coming our way. Ashley turns around and says "LEON!", (Y/N) and I turn around to see another group of villagers  heading towards us. "What do we do Leon..." Ashley says while looking at me for an answer, (Y/N) responds with a determined "Hate to say but we are sandwiched alright" she turns around and says "Quick! In that cabin!". We all run inside the cabin, I turn around to shut the door and push Ashley in. While looking at where to lock the door I hear someone call my name.

(Luis)- "Leon!" while saying that he throws a wooden plank at him. (Y/N) quickly goes in front of him and catches it, causing her to turn around and toss it to Leon.

(Luis)- "Nice catch girly" after saying that (Y/N) gives him a death stare making him jump a little.

(Luis)- "Small world eh?" Leon starts to turn around and place the plank of the door.

(Luis)- "Well..I see that the president's equipped his daughter with ballistics too" Luis says that while staring at her chest. 

(Ashley)- "How rude! And I don't believe that there's any relevance with my figure and my standing. Who are you!?" She says that with an attitude towards Luis.

(Luis)- "Oh oh! Excuse me your highness, perhaps the young lady wants to introduce herself first before asking someone his name?" After saying that Ashley goes around the table to face him. 

(Ashley)- "Her name's Ashley Graham, the president's daughter".

(Luis)- "Is she...well you know.."

(Leon)- "Don't worry, she's cool" By saying that it makes Ashley look down and blush.

(Luis)- "Ehhh, never mind".

(Y/N)- "Luis, If I were you I'll watch myself"

(Luis)- "And why princess?"

(Y/N)- "Oh, you know...one think can happen or the other can". While saying that she pulls out both of her Uzi's.

(Luis)- "Sheesh, your scary sometimes". Leon smirks to himself after hearing that.

(Luis)- "Hmm, there is supposed to be one obvious symptom before you turn into one of them anyway.." Cutting him off Ashley gasps.

(Ashley)- "Look!" 

(Leon)- "Ashley upstairs!" after saying that (Y/N) ready's her guns and holds her ground.

(Luis)- "Okay, it's game time".

(Y/N POINT OF VIEW) We all start to push dressers and bookshelves in from of windows, I notice they all started coming from the window I was closest too. So I took out my knife and started stabbing them in the head one by one, not long after they started to come in. One tried to head upstairs until I pulled him back and turned him around to me, I roundhouse kicked him and jumped on him. Placing my feet on his lower back and flipping off, causing his head to bash in against the stairs. I turn my focus to Luis who was struggling with three of them, I run over when one was about to swing an axe. I grab his arm and make him drop the axe, I kick his stomach to make him bend over. I push him down and jump over his whole body and break his arm, then he was on the floor trying to get up until I shot him in the head. Luis looks at me with a shocked expression until he sees Leon struggling. "Ugh, men" I say while heading over to him, one grabs his neck until I grab his. I drop him with my legs on the ground to bash his head in, I look at Leon and notice him nod for a "Thanks". Only 20 minutes go by which felt like an hour, I start to lose breath until they stop coming in, "They gave up?" I say in confusion. "Guess so" Leon responds with a smirk. 

(Luis)- "So what do we do now?"

(Leon)- "The bridge we crossed to get here is out, so I guess we have no choice but to keep moving". While saying this Ashley starts to come down stairs.

(Luis)- "I forgot something, you guys go on ahead". He opens the door and walks out.

(Leon)- "Luis?" He rests his arm on the doorway.

(Ashley)- "(Y/N)! Your eyes!"

(Y/N)- "What?"

(Ashley)- "They're red!"

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