2 - Taehyung's POV

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     I don't why I was called out for helping them cross the street. They had the right of way, it's just that nobody cared so I helped them out, now they're treating me like "Mr. I'm Just Gonna Quit Guy." Anyway I don't really care, I like going grocery shopping with Yoongi hyung because I'm always able to slip clothes into the cart and he won't seem to care. 

     "Hyung, can we get smoothies?" I asked as we walked towards the store. "No," he said not even seeming to be paying attention to me. "Please," I asked deciding to not give up, "Nope," he said still not paying attention to me, his voice seemed to get quieter and he started walking slower. "Hyung," I said as I started whining, this time he didn't even reply and he completely stopped walking. "Hyung? What's wrong?" I asked cautiously knowing if he was being cautious I'd best do the same. "I'll get you a smoothie real quick as long as you be quiet after that, got it?" He asked slightly looking at me as he slowly started walking towards a smoothie store.  I simply nodded trying to ignore his weird actions as we got smoothies. I convinced him to take a picture with me and the smoothies, he was starting to act normal again. But once we took a step outside his expression went back to the previous.

     Knowing I shouldn't question him I stayed silent as he lead me the opposite way of the store, the way where we came from, and stopped exactly where he stopped last time and he was acting the same way. Once he stopped I'd realized we'd gone the wrong way and I opened my mouth to say something about it when he immediately held up his hand silencing me.

     He started leading me down a dark alley. I'd watched enough movies to know that walking down dark alleys wasn't exactly like a walk in the park, or at all like a walk in the park. Knowing this I stayed silent as I followed him down the alley. As we got farther I started hearing sounds, sounds of some sort of fight and crying. After we got even closer we could start seeing figures, they looked very familiar to me. We got closer to the shadows of the alley getting as close as we could get. 

     I saw two, no three guys surrounding an old woman like figure and a little girl like figure. Suddenly it clicked, it was the people I'd helped cross the street, why were they being surrounded though? 

     I looked at Yoongi hyung hoping he could help me understand at least some of this when all of the sudden he charged at the man to the far right chopping the back of his neck, making him unconscious. They all turned to him and I used that time to get to the girl, where I handed her my smoothie that I hadn't completely finished after taking out my straw. The girl took it, giving me a trusting look. She must've recognized me, that's when I realized that her eyes shined brightly in the dark, like a cat or an owl. I was so entranced I must've never heard someone call my name.

     All I heard was Yoongi hyung say something, it sounded distant though. Next thing I know I feel someone drag me away from the girl by my hood, at first I thought it was Yoongi hyung but when I looked up I realized I was wrong. The figure that was on the right threw me against the wall on the other side of the alley. I stood up groaning as I felt a sharp pain run through my back. The figure came back to me and almost without any thinking, I poked him in the eye with my straw. That's when I realized his eyes were also really bright, for the few seconds he kept his eyes open. I laughed out loud not caring anymore about my noise volume and punched him in the face making him hold his hands up in defeat. I'm not like Yoongi hyung though, I won't keep going until they're unconscious, so I simply whispered into his ear," Run." 

    "Thank you, I owe you one," he whispered back then, using his one eye, he ran down the alley disappearing into the shadows. Actually I owe him one, an eye for an eye, but I probably shouldn't mention that to him, at least not now. I turned back to Yoongi hyung to see him pinning the center figure to the ground and punching him over and over again. Hyung rarely cries it seems, but this time he looked like he was fighting in tears. What did I miss?


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