3 - Yoongi's POV

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     "Taehyung," I yelled out seeing the right figure going towards him. What's that pabo(fool) doing anyway? Oh well, he can take care of himself, somewhat at least. I have other things to take care of right now, I think as I turn to the middle figure guy, right as he finally makes a contact hit.

     "Ha, finally we're getting somewhere," he said to me throwing another punch at me that I dodged. "Careful, you wouldn't want to annoy me," I muttered back. He gritted his teeth at me and threw a punch, I dodged again. Punch block, Punch dodge, Punch block, Punch dodge. That continued for a while until he muttered, "Yes, I would," he said pulling something out of his pocket as I rolled my eyes at the fact that he replied late. 

     He pulled out a gun and I immediately backed away only a tiny bit, trying to read his actions when he turned towards the little girl and put his finger on the trigger turning only of smirk at me. I ran in front of the girl and stood my ground. She saw the gun while finishing the rest of Tae's smoothie and started crying again, at least the smoothie kept her mostly content. She wasn't a little little kid by the way if you were wondering, she looks about nine-ish, ten-ish. 

     "Move," he said trying to aim at the girl and not me, "Why should I?" I reply staying in the path of the gun. "Fine then, I'll kill you both." He pulled the trigger and all of the sudden the old lady stood in front of me, taking the bullets. Yup that's right, three bullets were shot, all shot her. The little girl screamed and I was trying real hard not to scream too. I slowed her fall, "W-why'd you do that?" I asked my voice wavering slightly, "Protect....Soon-Bok." She replied pointing at the girl with the last of her strength. "Eomma," the man who shot the woman said, running towards us. I would've stopped him if he hadn't said what I'm pretty sure he said. 

     "Eomma, why?" He asked starting to cry, "You shouldn't have gotten in the way." He yelled, then I lost it, "You shouldn't have shot in the first place," I said charging at him, pinning him to the ground. He didn't fight back as I punched him again and again, letting out my anger, he didn't stop me and didn't even fight back. "Hyung!!" A voice called out, I ignored it though. "Hyung," it called again, still I ignored it. Then I felt arms wrap around me from behind and pull me off my human punching bag,"Hyung," Taehyung said again quieter this time as he hugged me tightly squeezing all the anger out of me. 

    After a while I relaxed and Tae let me go. "Hyung, what did I miss?" Tae asked walking over to the little girl, Soon-Bok, and patted her back trying to calm her down. "Oh nothing much, just a sacrifice." I said picking up the old lady with a bullet hole in her leg and two in her arm. "We'll take you to the hospital, we can still save you," I said tightening my grip on her to let her know I was talking to her. "No," she said, " Protect Soon-Bok.  Leave me here." I shook my head way more aggressively then I meant to, "I-I can't leave you here. I can get you help." The lady shook her head slightly, "I'm not the one needing help." I looked at her confused, "What?" "I leave the Wings to you," she said handing me a letter from her pocket. She looked at Soon-Bok who was slightly calming down, "Tell, Show, Be." She said, then she closed her eyes. I sighed setting her down. 

     "Let's go," I said pocketing the letter then standing up. "Huh? So we just leave her?" Tae asked pointing at the lady. I couldn't say anything so I just nodded, "Soon-Bok," I said making the girl look up, "Do you trust us?" I ask holding out my hand to help her up. She nodded and took my hand. I pulled her up then Tae got down, back facing her, "Piggyback ride time!!" He said smiling like a little kid who just got ice cream and not a little kid who just witnessed two deaths in one day in one hour. Soon-Bok laughed climbing onto his back and we set off back home. How were we going to explain this to the others?

A/N- Hi everyone. Thanks for reading this story. I just picked a random name for the girl since it meant "Mild, Gentle, and Blessed." 

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