Party and Guns

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Elizabeth's POV
I was sitting with the girls in my room."So what is up with you and Ryder"Ally asks with a giggle."Nothing we are just friends"I say and they all laugh."Honey we are not idiots"Reya says and they all nod."I'm serious there is nothing going on"I say and they all laugh." let's talk about something Let's go out to a club someday"Zea says."Yeah but without the boys they are gonna get drunk and will ruin the fun for us"Cesilia says and we all nod."Let's do it tommorow couse I have a party I need to go to today"I say and they all look at me."Who's party"Reya asks."This friend of mines"I say."Well let's make it tommorow"Zea says and we all nod.I get up and go to my closet.I pick out an outfit and lay it in my bed."Wow"I hear Ally say."It's beutiful..did Ryder bought you this"Cesilia says."I mean it came with the closet so I guess"I say and they all smile."I think he likes you"Reya says teasingly."He is just being nice"I say and they all laugh."Let me get ready and do my hair"I say and they all nod.
I finished getting ready and I put my outfit and I go out and the girls wolf whistle.

🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸I finished getting ready and I put my outfit and I go out and the girls wolf whistle

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"Are you all sure you don't want to go"I ask and they all shake their head."No we will go out together tommorow"Ally says and I smile.We all go downstairs and we see the boys and they all look at me with wide eyes."Where are you going"Ryder asks with his jaw clenched and I roll my eyes."I'm going to Ginas party"I say and he grabs my arm."Be careful...a guy who is working with the cobras is there...dont let him near you"He says and I nod looking at his eyes."How does he look like"I ask."He has brown hair and brown eyes"he says and I look at him confused."Alot of boys have that same feature dumbass"I tell him and he chuckles."Just take this"He says giving me a strap to wrap around my thigh and a gun and knife.I get it and wrap it around my thigh."There"I say with a smile and he chuckles.I turn around to leave but he grabs me by the waist and turns me around and we are so close."Let me drive you"he says and I nod.We go out and go to his car.He drives to the party and when we arrive I get out of the car and turn to him."Drive safe"I say and wink.He chuckles and I turn around and walk to Ginas house.When I enter the scent of alcohol hits me."Hey Eliza I am glad you made it"I hear Gina say.She hugs me and I smile."You look amazing"I say and she laughs."Come on let's have some drinks"she says and I nod.She gets shots and hands me one.She smiles and we cheer and drink it.I feel the burning sensation in my throat but I just shake it off.She smiles and takes my hand and leads me to a group of guys.They all look at us and gives us drinks.I then see a guy looking at me suspiciously.I see he has a tattoo and I look closely and I see it's a cobra.I then remember what Ryder said.I then see Sierra and the others and I go with them.We dance and drink but I am not drunk I am just dizzy.I then feel someone take my hand and lead me towards outside.The person wich I assume it's a guy pushes me to the wall.I try to push him away but he pins my hands above me with one hand and the other one holds a knife on my neck."I see why Ryder is so distracted by you"He says in my ear."Let go of me"I say and he chuckles."Why would I do that"He says and I roll my eyes."I'm asking you nicely now let go of me"I say and he laughs."What is a pretty thing like you gonna do"he says and presses the knife closer.I kick him in the manhood and then punch him in the face.I get my gun out and point it at him."If I were you I would watch my next move"I say and he laughs."You wouldn't dare"He says and I shoot his leg.I then hear a chuckle behind me."You better watch out..she is a feisty one"I hear the person say and I recognize his voice.I then see it's Ryder and I glare at him."You were hear all along"I say and he nods with a smirk."Yeah by the way that was amazing"he says."Just shut up"I say while rolling my eyes."So are your pals here"Ryder asks the guy and he nods while holding his leg in pain.I then hear voices coming closer and I grab Ryder and push him to another wall and kiss him.He then tells me to jump and then he wraps my legs on his waist.I start hearing the other guys conversation and then I don't hear anything so I pull away."Their gone"I say smiling and he smirks and let's me down."Great job by the way"he says and we laugh and go back to his car.

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