+ Mythican in a World of Humans +

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  Ormarr Ahtishe, defined as a Mythican. Born of a Human and a Mythos. Completely orphaned as he walked a dirt path along the coast of Iceland. His small bare feet, covered in mud and muck with a thin cloth around his back. He was running away from his uncle, fed up with his cruel and racist ways.

  Ormarr was convinced that his uncle thought that having a Dragon Mythican in the family would guarantee him fame and fortune in a secluded area of Northern Iceland, those who were unfamiliar with the Mythican race. His uncle could see it the headline in the papers, "Behold! The Boy Who Breathes Fire!" but his uncle was sorely mistaken.

Ormarr was a normal Mythican, no powers or fire. The only way you could tell he had dragon blood running through him were his claws, fangs, eyes, and the mark of a fire dragon on his cheeks and neck. He possessed no useable magic. The only way he would ever gain any is if some Tridinite were to pick up on his magic lying in his body to keep him alive. If he were very lucky and the right amount of it would cling to his energy, and amplify it. 

Except the tricky thing about Tridinite is it is self-aware. Those who want it never gain it, and those who are ill-hearted and commit crimes against life will never receive it.

The thoughts of his uncle and the rare energy that lingered in the air plagued Ormarr's mind. He took one last look at the setting sun, Man and Mythos would be awakening, as well as sleeping at this time. His cat-like eyes slitted only further as the young child, just over a decade old found new determination in the setting sun. It signified the ending of a life...and a new one in the shadows of the night. He sprinted off in the direction on the woods, and the rising moon. 

He would stow away on a boat in the morning after stealing from the newly opened bakery. He was not afraid to steal, it would not be his first time after all. Then head to America, where opportunity seemed to come to all there. 

Contrary to moments before Ormarr's eyes widened to see in the pitch black of night as he crouched low to the ground, creeping as quietly as a mouse to a tree, digging out the bottom and some roots with his abnormally strong claws. After the entire bottom of the tree was large enough for his malnourished body, he laid the cloth on the dirt and crawled in, laying his head down on the dirt and drifting into dark welcoming sleep.

~Time Skip~

His dream of sailing through the sky was long forgotten as he crawled out of the warren, wrapping the cloth around him once more. He looked up at the golden clouds, illuminated by the new suns golden rays. He started to stray from the comfort of the forest and into town.

The bakery was closed as he saw the only inhabitant of it's shop at the moment was currently it's owner, who has just walked out of it for supplies. Perfect. Thought Ormarr as he waited for the owner to escape sight. Once he did Ormarr swiftly went to the door, which was foolishly unlocked. His luck only grew as he snuck inside and grabbed one of the cloth bags that lay at the counter and took everything he needed. Enough for him, but also the baker and anyone the baker wished to give the goods to. 

While Ormar was very good and quick to steal he would never leave the person he stole from helpless and broken. He only stole so he, and anyone he was stealing for, could have enough to survive their hardships. He was not greedy or cruel no, only desperate.

As he snuck out of the shop like he entered, he took the back routes to the dock and his luck only furthered. A ship would be heading to London today at sunset. Once he was at the marvelous city of London he could easily get a ship to America! 

He spent the day wandering around town, passing time until sunset and planning his way onto the ship. At sunset he smuggled himself into a chest before it was loaded onto the ship. He was filled to the brim with stolen food for the trip, a thicker blanket, a water bottle, and other small necessities as he took his weeks trip to London. Then, America. Things were looking up, just like the rising moon.


OOOFF YE NEW STORY. ok so this is a new story, like i said in the description everything in the story like characters, plots, ect. are all mine. Anyways i hope you enjoy!  

btw i will be giving a symbol on every title chapter to signify what story it follows.

+ for ormarr the Mythican

* for the Mythos

^ for the human

if you have any questions about the mythos ill just do a rundown here.

SO, there were humans, then came mythical creatures from another dimension, reasons unknown to humanity, but they could shapeshift. some decided to integrate into human society, others made towns and cities of purely Mythos, the mythological creatures (dragons, Faeries ((fairies)) satyr, phoenix ect.) and then there are Mythos who were able to live among animals and chose to. Mythos who mate with Humans create Mythican children. Depending on how much they got from their Mythos parent they can classify as Human, Mythican which is purely the middle between the two other races, or mythos. Mythos can also mate with animals create Mythicals, a mix between two, same classification rules as before. there are also rules on breeding with animals as the wrong combination of genes could make the Mythical die or suffer.

Anyways thats the rundown of biology NiGhT kIdS

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