18. Oh, So You Weren't Trying To Impress Me?

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I woke up and was in the locker room. Wait. No. My locker room wasn't red! I looked around and saw Randy and Seth. Not this again! "Oh good you're awake!" Seth smirked.

I started to scream but was cut off by someone opening the door. I was hoping it'd be Dean or Roman, but it was TripleH.

"What the?!?! Guys why did you do this?!?!"

I didn't wait any longer. I bolted. I was technically the only superstar that would go into the divas locker room on a regular basis, so that's exactly where I ran to. I went to the locker that used to be mine and sat down in it and cried. I don't know why. I just cried. There were only a few divas in there, Nikki, AJ and Brie, so I was fine with all of them. They walked up to me.

"What's wrong, E?"

"Evolution. They just. Ugh. I woke up in their locker room for the second time. They want me to join them and they don't like the word no."

They hugged me. "You'll figure it out, EJ. You're too strong to let them get in your head." Nikki encouraged.

I was about to respond but then there was a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" A deep voiced asked. Nikki, Brie and AJ hid.


"Look, I will come in. There's no need to say no."

"Fine. Whatever. See if I care."

TripleH walked in. Why did I say yes?!?! He walked over to me with his hands dug deep in his pockets. There was almost nowhere to run, and chances are he had his boys outside planning to ambush me if I tried to run. "EJ, listen. I'm not an emotional person. I just. Well, I want to apologize. I know my boys can get kind of overwhelmed, and I'm honestly the only one of us who's ok with the word no. I swear to you, I had no idea that my boys had tried to do that to you. I know we're supposed to be enemies, but I'm also your boss and I just want to know that you can still hold out with everything that's going on in your life."

"I'm fine." Is all I said.

"Good. I just want to make sure you're alright."

"Whatever. Can you leave now?"

"Yea. Whatever." He walked out.

The girls got up from where they had been hiding. My jaw dropped open. "I just got along with TripleH."

AJ smiled. "Love bites!"

I punched her shoulder. "I am NOT in love with TripleH! I have Dean!"

"Geez! Just joking!"

I grabbed my ring attire and changed into it. "I have a match." I sighed.

"It's 12:38." Nikki questioned my actions.

"What?!" I checked my phone. She was right. They laughed at me. "What about the main event?"

"They replaced it with putting John in an 8-on-1 handicap." Nikki put her hand over her heart.

"So that explains why the halls were so empty. But why is it that Hunter, Randy and Seth were all in their locker room?"

"I think they stayed because of you."

"What about Hunter? He said he didn't know anything about it."

"He's one of the principal owners of the company. He's a busy man."

I texted Dean. 'R u still in the building?'

'No. I asked RR to give u a ride. when u wake up?'

'About 15 minutes ago. We need to talk. See you at the hotel.'

'Ok. Luv u. Bye.'

I then texted Roman. 'I'm a awake. Meet u in the locker room in a minute. See you soon.'


I changed back into my full zip-up Miami Heat hoodie and jeans, then walked to our locker room. Roman was in there with no shirt on and some sweatpants. It was kinda baby cute. I came up behind him quietly and subtly and jumped on him. I covered his eyes up and yelled "Guess who?"



He chuckled "Hey, baby girl."

"What up, big man?"

"I just got back from my run."

"Oh, so you weren't trying to impress me?!" I teased.

"I'm married, kiddo."

"Why were you running at 12:30 AM in the morning?"

"Well did you expect me to just wait for you the whole time you were asleep?"

"I guess not."

"So what happened to you after you blacked out? We couldn't find you and Dean was really worried."

"We'll talk about it when we get home. Come on."

Me and Roman rode back to the hotel. When we got back to the room at about 1 AM I was pretty surprised to find Dean wide awake on the couch. "Ok guys, sit down." They say down at the kitchen counter. "I woke up tonight in Evolution's locker room for the second time." Dean looked riled up so I threw in "Dean, don't worry nobody tried to hurt me. Didn't even lay a finger on me. TripleH didn't even know they had done it." Which calmed him down a bit.

He looked over me. "If I find out that they do this again, they'll be the ones who wake up in our locker room." He said firmly.

There was a knock at the door. Who could be knocking at 1:00 AM?! I walked to the door and opened it. "Tripp? What are you doing up?"

"My caretaker kicked me out for not being in the gym."

"Your caretaker? Why do you need a caretaker? You're like 18."

"Yea. Cesaro, he's really strict about times I workout. And no, I'm 13!"

"That explains why you're so short!" I chuckled. "So why are you here?"

"Uh. . . are Roman and Dean here?"

"Yep. Come on in."

Tripp came in and when Roman and Dean saw him they looked confused. "Guys Tripp needs a place to stay tonight." I explained.

"That's actually not the only reason I'm here." He said. "Evolution's been messing with me."

"Ok now that's just wrong!" I said. "First they mess with me which is ok because I can defend myself. But then they go and mess a defenseless little 5th grader!"

"Actually I'm just out of 7th grade. Going on 8th."

"How old ARE you?" Dean asked.

"Thirteen with a birthday tomorrow."

"Oh." Dean looked surprised. "Ok."

"So Evolution's been messing with you, too?" Roman asked.


"We'll handle it. Just hang out with us in our locker room and you'll be fine."


"You'll have to stay with me tonight." Roman said. "Now can we all go to bed?"

"Yeah." We all said in unison. And that was the end to a creepy day.

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