24. Where's Dean?

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The trip had come and gone so fast, and it was time to go. I had to deal with Nattie and TJ fighting, and I had to help out Eva and Jonathan with planning everything even though the wedding hadn't even been in the trip.

When we got off the plane, I immediately went to the hotel and met up with Dean, Roman, Tripp and Gabe. Dean came up to me. "So, that night at the arena...do you have any idea who it might have been who drugged you?"

"Yeah. I tried to tell you the morning that you sent me off with the others, but you told me to relax and leave and we'd figure it out when I got back."


"It was Randy."

"RANDY?! I thought we sent him a clear message that you weren't into him anymore!"

"So did I." I responded.

Dean grabbed his belt. "I gotta go."

"Do what?!"

"Kill the idiot who tried to drug my girlfriend!"

"Dean you don't ha-"

"Can it, EJ. He disrespected you. I'm not gonna take that." Dean threw on his jacket and left, slamming the door behind him. I thought about going after him, but it was no use. There was no way I was going to be able to stop him. Not if Dean had anything to do with it.

About 2 hours later somebody knocked on the door to the suite. I opened it and it was Roman, Gabe and Tripp. They had gone off and we hadn't talked since the night I had gotten drugged but I wasn't sure if Dean had told them or not.

"Wassup, princess?"

"Nothing, big man."

"So where you been lately? We haven't seen you in a while."

"Dean didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Randy tried to drug me." I explained. "That's why Dean isn't here. I tried to stop him."

"You shouldn't have."

"Why not?"

"Dean was trying to protect you. Sometime a dude's gotta do what a dude's gotta do."

"Fair enough."

"Well what else is up?"

"Nothing. How are y'all?"

"Your brother has a crush on somebody, but we can't get him to tell us who."

"Oh, that one's easy." I shrugged. "Gabe, tell us who it is or I'll tell Duke you've grown into an obsession with John Cena."

Gabe's eyes grew wide. "It's TripleH's daughter."

I laughed for about 5 minutes before I actually realized he was serious. "Good luck with that." I ruffled his hair.

There was another knock on the door. Roman answered it. It was John, Bryan, Nikki and Brie. "Hey guys." Brie said as Roman greeted them in.

"Hey Brie." Tripp said waving.

"Where's Dean?" Bryan asked.

Me and Roman looked at eachother before I could give a response. "He's...out."

Bryan looked confused for a second, then just shrugged. "Ok. Cool."

"So Bryan, when are you back?"

"I really don't know but my doctor says I'm getting healthier and stronger everyday. What about you, Roman?"

Roman had been out for a while due to a surprise hernia surgery he had needed in the middle of the night. "I'm cleared for late December." He announced.

There was another knock at the door.

//AUTHOR'S NOTE// Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been able to update lately, but if you're a true wrestling fan you realize the importance of the Team Authority/Team Cena match, and it's on my screen right now as I'm writing. I will update as soon as possible but for now this is what I've got.

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