November 12, 2007. This is Dr Sora M. Main. I'm am apart of a secret organization known as Cryptid and we specialize in human experimentation. Our goal was to, originally. find a way to make the human body stronger and more resistant to major illnesses. We started off as seven college graduates of Harvard and has expanded into a major corporation that worked deep underground. Unlike most scientist, we used actually humans for our testing. Usually the test subjects were homeless or suicidal volunteers who really didn't have much to lose if they were to die.
Thanks to the many sacafices we have made, our effort has finally reach its peak. We have finally created a serum that would evolve the human race into its ultimate design. Our president, Dr. William J. Kanes offered himself as project 001, our original.
The first few week went smoothly. He could lift ten times his own weight and diseases like AIDS, Swine Flu, or even the simpliest cold couldn't cultivate in his system. At first, we thought we had finally made a break through in history. But, we have mistaken. The serum known as K.D-9, had an unforseen side effect. For some odd reason the serum evolved into a virus that slowly ate away at the host body.It was horrific.
I work long hours trying to save William from his fate, but none of my efforts seen to work. Later on, we soon made another discovery. Most of our younger subjects resisted the side effect of the disease until the reach the age of twenty or twentyone. The virus seem to evolve only when the body reach a certain maturity level set by diffrent individuals.
As we tried to work on a solution to this dilema, our illegal act reached the United States govenments ear. In attempt to stop and further experiments, they've arrange for troops to sweep our major base in Los Angeles and used explosives to set our projects in flames. Which was a poor mistakes on the governments part. K.D-9 evolve during that explosion and became an air born virus that multiplied at an incredible rate. Many became infected...many died weeks later.
Our entire organization was sentence to death for a crimes that has endangered the world. Some of us however didn't accept the punishment before us and banned together to fight back. With our spare serum resources we had left, we took a huge gamble. The new serum we create would either kills us or make us strong enough to resist the one who wanted to end our lives. As luck would have it...we suceeded.
Our troop consisted of over 500 scientist that stood against the United States government. Civil War broke out with the United States losing. Thanks to the new virus we created that resisted the negative effects of the original virus, we became untouchable by the U.S. forces. And to top it off we gain more followers as more battles were won.
However the leaders of our army became corrupted. Their goal wouldn't just stop at America, but the entire world needed to be reform in the name of science. As they became more currupted a dictatorship started under the reign of Micheal Ray. He ruled with an iron fist that left everyone in his rule in complete and total agony. I was his right hand man that lead in his absence.
Williams son, Casper Kane, one of our most prized generals regardless of his age left. He didn't like the way the organization carried itself. He once pulled me aside and told me, "We were suppose to help people. Not destoy them. I seen no reason to stay apart of this. And if you have any humane thought in you leave as well." I denied his request saying that he was just a kid who didn't understand the big picture. He shook his head and walk off promising that he would start his own army against this 'lunacy' as he called it.
Even though I've never met him again, I knew he still live because he kept his word. No later than a year an army of teen approach our quaters and susceeded in capturing our main armory. Teens... Just mere children in suites! They stood against us as if they were men. We thought at the time that they captured our armory by luck and that they only accomplished that due to lady luck and us being caught off guard. Besides, our side had and army of adults with years of experiment and top of the line technology. And most importantly only our followers had the knowledge of how to resist the aging defect of the virus that now plagues the world.
We though that we would conquer the within the fall, but they persisted and held us back with skill once again. After many more battles we seem to regain ground on them. Proving that our worries were nothing. In the end they were mere kids and when all is said and done we adults would rule and this world would be ours to reform.
World War Teens
Teen FictionAfter a horrible experiment has gone wrong, a group of scientist and wealthy millionaire turns against the world. Unfortunately, due to the biohazard, only those under the age of 22 are still alive...on the opposing side. The scientist mutated thems...