Chapter 8: Emotional Rollercoaster

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Next day, Siouxsie is in her bedroom, practising her magic and listening to Slipknot on the speakers. She remembered what spells she can go and what spells to work on.

She performed a Hell Fire spell on a big bowl of paper and wood. She made a small fire ball and gently throw it into the bowl. It landed and buff of smoke and fire ignited.

She jumped in happiness and joy of the spell worked. She rushed to the window and open it to avoid the fire alarm.

Then she performs a Soundwave spell to put the fire out. It worked in a flash.

A knock on the door. She paused the music and open the door. It's Vicky. 'Hey. Practicing with magic?' Siouxsie nodded. Vicky entered the bedroom with a tall wrapped present.

Siouxsie looked curious and asked her, 'What's that, Vicky?' 'It's a gift, for you from me and Chelsea.'

She handed it to Siouxsie, she carefully unwraps it and it's a magic staff. The pole has got music clef and notes and demonic pentagrams and flames. The tiny onyx gemstones around the red orb on the top of the staff.

Siouxsie smiled and gently swing it around and thanked Vicky. 'Me and Chelsea made it. Dark told us about who you are and we design and make it like you as yourself.' Vicky explained. Siouxsie felt happy and hugged Vicky.

Another knock on the door and Chelsea entered. 'Enjoy the creation we made for you?' Siouxsie nods and hugged Chelsea.

'What are you doing?' Chelsea asked her. Siouxsie let go and answered the question, 'Practicing magic.'

'What kind of magic?'

'Music and demonic.'


'Wanna show you guys the spell?' Vicky and Chelsea nodded. Siouxsie began to use Demon's Burning Heart spell. She put her hand out, whispered in demon language and a burst of flames appeared in her palm. The flame slowly turned into the heart with the screeching scream slowly gets louder and she cling her hand into a fist and the flames extinguished.

Vicky and Chelsea applauded. Siouxsie smiled, 'Thanks, guys.'

'It's nearly lunchtime. Come with us to the kitchen.' Chelsea kindly reminded Siouxsie. She nods and followed them out of the room.

Dark brought out plates of tacos and salads onto the table. The girls arrived and Anti jumped to Chelsea with a hug. 'Oh my god, Anti! Snap out of it!' Chelsea shocked and got a little bit angry with him. He chuckled, 'I can't help it. You're my friend.' Chelsea turned her head and pulled a mean Really? look at him. He looked worried and she giggled. 'I'm messing with ya.'

'Alright, lovebirds. Pack it in.' Vicky cheekily insult them as she sat down with a smile. Chelsea smiled and pulls Anti to the table.

The boys arrived five minutes later. They sat down in silence. Everyone began to have lunch.

Dark kept staring at Vicky and smiled at her. She caught him and he looked away and blushed. She giggled with a mouthful of tacos.

After lunch, Siouxsie tapped Dark's shoulder and whispered, 'Can I show you my magic?' He nods. She grabbed his hand and dragged him into the living room.

She mutters under her breath and she perform Demon's Wrath spell. She tried it out with her staff. The ball of flame floats above her and it quickly form a bubble as the flames slowly spread and float down to cover her.

Dark applauded. Siouxsie looked at him and informed, 'With this spell, whenever an enemy about to attack or charge at me, that person get the burning feeling from the inside and became vulnerable and insane. Then dies from the nightmare. Like Freddy Krueger and Scarecrow from Batman together.'

He nods for understanding. He's impressed of her confidence and her magic powers been improved. He stretched his arms out to give her a hug as she stopped her spell. They hug tight and Siouxsie smiled in accepting herself.    

Meanwhile, Chelsea started to have a flashback and curl into a ball in her bedroom, having a panic attack. A knock on the door and Vicky's voice muffled behind it. 'Chelsea, ready for crafting? Hello? May I come in?' She slowly opened the door and got shocked by seeing Chelsea in that state.

Vicky ran, kneel down and hugged Chelsea tight. Anti burst in and join in. Chelsea wailed loudly.

Siouxsie heard the crying and ran upstairs to the doorway of Chelsea's room. She saw Chelsea in tears and thought to herself, Let's try to put a song to release her emotions.

Siouxsie lifted her staff and cast a Soundtrack spell. As she whispered a spell, she saw soundwaves and the song played in Chelsea's head and entered the bedroom.

Chelsea noticed the music in her head. It's Blood, Tears, Dust by Lacuna Coil. She looked up and saw Siouxsie headbanging to the rhythm, looking at her and smiling, 'It's okay. Let your emotions out.' Chelsea nods, headbanged to the beat and scream of the energy from that song.

Anti looked confused, turned around and saw Siouxsie with her staff, glowing from the orb. He knows that she used the spell to calm Chelsea down. 'Thanks. You're a great help.' She smiled and replied, 'No problem. We all need some release from something.'

Chelsea slowly calmed down and thanked Siouxsie the spell that helped her. Siouxsie smiled back and exit the room.

Anti still hugged Chelsea as Vicky stood up, ruffled Chelsea's hair and left the room.

Chelsea's body shook from adrenaline and Anti quietly hushed her. 'It's okay. Let me help you.'

As she hugged him back, she felt his emotions from the past and how the change of person affected him from different dimension. Also, she felt his feeling of instinct that made him protect her and willing to make a difference in this world.

She felt his cries and she hugged him tight. She whispered to his ear, 'I know exactly how you're feel from everything you been through.'

Anti looked confused and asked her, 'What are you talking about?' 'Somehow, I can read other people's emotions while I near them or by touch. In this case, I sense your instinct for doing the right thing.'

Anti's eyes widened and continue hugging Chelsea tight. 'Oh, Chelsea. I'm glad you're here.'

She smiled and think to herself, We'll fight together, Anti. For our lives and other monsters in the world.

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