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- August 22nd - Very long chapter -

| LaMelo LaFrance Ball |

It was finally my birthday and I was so excited about my birthday and my new shoe and my new Lamborghini that I'm going to get

I then got out of my bed and changed into my outfit and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then got my bookbag and my phone and went downstairs to see breakfast on the counter I then got my plate and sat at the table with Zo and we just talked about my car and how I'm gonna be whippin in it

I then left the house with Liangelo and his car and we drove to school and listened to some of Lonzo's songs and getting lit in the car and recording on snap

We then pulled up to the school and I got out of the car and I was already having people crowd around me saying happy birthday and it was getting a bit too much but Genesis helped me out by pulling me out of the crowd and then we met up with the group. " Hey happy birthday bro " Don said doing our handshake

" Aye thanks bro " I said to him then Will,Quan,Eli,O, Iris, and everyone told me happy birthday and then I hear someone call my name. " Oh no " Kianna said face palming herself and I turn around and it Ashley and then she came towards and kissed and I pushed her off of me saying " Why did you do that ? "

" I now get to have you for myself again since Ciara left for good " She said touching me all over

" Girl you better go somewhere before I mess up your face right now " Genesis said getting in her face

" I really don't care just because Ciara said that you are her friends doesn't mean an-Wait Ciara said we're her friends ? " Kianna asked her

" Yeah she said are you slow or something ? " She laughing at her

" Ok Ashley ... I know Ciara did say that we don't even like you I mean who would you're just as fake just like Kim Kardashian's ass " Genesis says and hearing oohs in the background and Kianna runs up on Ashley and just starts hitting her and Quan got her off of Ashley and seen a scratch on her face

I then went inside the school and went to the front office to see Ciara talking to the lady in the front and when she seen me her smile was gone and it looked surprised and then went back to talking and went out the door and just stopped and looked at me and says " Hey Melo "

" Hey Ciara "

" Oh happy birthday finally sixteen and still getting taller " She says laughing at me

" I can't help myself from getting tall but thank for the birthday " I tell her

" No problem and I have a gift for you but you have to close your eyes first " She says

I trusted her and she came up behind and then put something around my neck " Open your eyes " She says

I then open my eyes and I look at my neck and I loved the gift

I then open my eyes and I look at my neck and I loved the gift

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