tammy -1

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                                         tim tam 💗- hey
                                           do you think you
                                                could watch the
                                        kids for me tonight?

lia 🌸- yeah that's fine,
i'll be over in a bit

tonight is going to be so hard for me. my ex husband and i are going out to discuss custody. if it was up to me i'd never let him near my kids anymore, but he is their dad. i just hate what he did to me, which was cheat and he even got my babies involved. he took them out and let them be around the girl. and then he had the nerve to let her say that my kids, and them were her "little family" like who does that!!!

i heard the doorbell ring signaling that my sister was finally here. i run to the door and see my sister and some boy. okay umm what?

"oh tammy this is my boyfriend calum, calum this is my older sister tammy." the boy smiled and waved and i noticed he looks a little bit older than my sister. "i'm sorry i don't mean for this to come off the wrong way but how old are you?" i was genuinely concerned. i don't want my sister getting into it with older guys. like a year i can understand but anything more than 2 is just a no.

"oh i'm 22." wow okay that's nearly 3 years older. "tammy don't even think or say anything about it." just as i was about to open my mouth saskia crawled over and hugged lia. "hello sass oh my goodness ive missed you so much!!" she picked her up and started squeezing her. ugh i looked over at the time and saw if i didnt leave soon i was gonna be late. i said my goodbyes and i was out the door.

i couldn't help but think about my sisters new boo, don't get me wrong he was hot but it's just the age difference. i'm just super protective over her. plus he seemed out of her league but whatever. i pulled up to the place i was meeting my ex husband and let's just say i was not happy. "what in the hell is she doing here?!" i whisper yell to him as i sit down. he has his little skank with him here. this is private and quite frankly none of her business. "tammy just please can we be adults." i roll my eyes and don't utter a word. yeah adults, he wouldn't even know what that's like considering he's a child.

well not really but still, i mean for christ's sake he's the same age as my sister's boyfriend! "whatever let's just get on with this. i have wolf and saskia monday through thursday and you can have them friday through sunday. but you can only see them every two weeks. deal?" he shook his no and said how he wanted to see them every week. "they're my kids too, you can't just keep them from me!" he shouted. everyone around us started to stare.

"outside, now." i got up and the three of us walked out of the establishment. "you can't keep treating me like a child, i am 22!" he was right but i can't help it when he doesn't act his age! "well maybe if you started acting like it i wouldnt treat you like youre one of my kids now would you luke?!" ugh i hated saying his name out loud. i just hated everything about him.

"whatever tammy im done fighting, i dont know what i saw in you ever. i let some old lady tie me down when i could've been out doing better things and i'm glad i finally realized it, it only took me 5 years to figure it out!" that one stung. 5 years we were together. 1 actually dating and 4 married. god damn, i really didnt know what i was thinking at the time. i was 19 going to be 20 getting involved with a 17 year old.



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