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Me and Chris had a fun time at the shelter. He helped clean. We didn't have much business today. "I need a vacation." I said. Chris put his arm around me. "Then why don't you go? You have the funds." He said. "I don't know. Where would i go?" I asked. "There's a Pride Parade in paris next week." He said. "Hm, that sounds like a good field trip for the club to go on." I pulled out my phone and texted all the members to see if they wanted to go. I would pay for everything. Sophie replied and said: I can pay. I come from a wealthy family. I h8 it. Dnt worry. I'll pay. "Huh. Sophie said she'd pay for everything." I said. I replied: Well i will pay for me, Josh, and Chris. You pay for you, Kristy, and that hunter guy. She said okay. I put my phone away. "Well she is paying for the other members and herself. I am paying for me, you and Josh. It's about closing time. Let's go to the store. We have a lot more to shop for now." He agreed and i locked up the shelter. I text all the members letting them know we're going and we'd leave tomorrow at 9pm. They all responded 'Okay'. "The plane will leave at 10pm." I told Chris. I called each member letting them know and making sure they got the time right. I told them to meet at the airport at 9 so we have time to get everything arranged. "I can't believe we're doing this. Like so soon." I said. "Well, you deserve it." Chris said. 

When we got to the store I called my neighbor and told them i was going on a trip. They said they'd watch the dogs for me. While Chris was looking in the men's section i looked in the women's section for some clothes to wear on the trip. We were going to stop at the LGBT Store after we left here. I was on the phone with this lady from Paris booking hotel rooms. It's a good thing i took french instead of Spanish in school. I hung up the phone. I had about 6 outfits and a bikini in the cart. I walked over to the bath & beyond section to get stuff we might need. I even got stuff for the others. I walked over to Chris and said, "Are you done yet?" He had about 10 outfits and some underwear in his cart. "I think i am for the trip." He replied. "We can always shop more when we get back. May even find some stuff in Paris!"

We paid for our stuff and went home to pack. Luckily i had an extra suitcase.

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