The cold never bothered me anyway

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Hey, finally here my HollowXRageXFluke fic that was requested of me but honestly I enjoyed writing this as I have so much time on my hands now!


A sudden, cool gust of wind crept in from Hollows open window; a chill was sent straight down his spine as the wind drags him from his thoughts. He walks over to the window to close it but he is lost again, staring out into the night sky. The night is dead, there is no place for a brightly shining moon or twinkling stars, all there is are dark grey clouds that look as if they could release rain at any minute. With the silent countdown to rain starting he needed to make his decision quickly. Does he stay and let another sleepless night drag by? Or should he go and face what has been on his mind for days, no weeks, possibly even months? He decides to go. Even if he gets there and chickens out he could still use a nice nightly walk.

He slammed the windows shut and leaned against the wall, he pondered his approaches on things but there really isn't a good way to say 'hey I'm practically in love with two of my best friends'. He smiled faintly as he walked to grab his deep grey coat and keys; he walked out the door almost cautiously and made his way down to the main road. The air was cool and clean as he could feel small droplets of rain hit his face and hands every now and again, he pulled his coat closed some more to shield him from the rain. He could feel the rain slowly trailing through his hair and down his face as well as through his coat and deep blue jeans, plus when he stepped in each puddle on the pavement he could feel more water gathering in his trainers.

Dark, daunting, dominating clouds move across the sky as the rain began to fall harder and more frequently, so much that his hair was completely soaked within a matter of seconds and made him a lot colder. People began to scatter off of the streets or pull up hoods or umbrellas, Hollow simply walked slightly quicker but it just made him feel sick; the quicker he got there the quicker he would have to put his thoughts together. Miniature streams ran down the sides of the roads and large puddles formed as the heavy rain bounced off the pavement; a car sped past him and through the water at the side of the road, covering him with water in the process, he let out a quiet growl and shook his head to rid it of rain which didn't work very well. The streets were practically empty and deadly silent, except from the occasional car passing.

Just as Hollow was going to turn the corner he spotted a figure that was crossing the road but they must have stumbled half way as all Hollow saw was them fall to the ground. His natural instinct told him to help the stranger that had fallen as a car could come any minute. So he did. He ran over to the other as quick as he could and grabbed their arms, helping to bring them to a stand "are you alright?" Hollow questioned as he helped them to the side of the road, the stranger was wearing a black waterproof jacket with a hood, simple black jeans that seemed stuck to his legs with water and soaked black converses. "Yeah I'm-" the other started to reply but stopped short and lifted his head to see the other "wait, Hollow?" He questioned as he pulled down his hood, not caring that there was heavy rain falling. He had short dark hair, the colour that matched his eyes, and he wore rectangular glasses to which the rain began to cling to; it was Rage.

Hollow blushed a faint pink, "h-hey" he stuttered "are you alright?" He repeated. "Uh, yeah I'm fine I think" Rage reassured him after some thought "I'm a bit cold though" he laughed slightly. "So where we're you heading?" Hollow questioned the smaller brunet who just blushed in response, "I was- uh I was going to see Fluke but he wasn't in so I decided to um visit you since it was on my way home but..." He trailed off looking down slightly; Hollow got slightly confused at this why would he want to see me? And after Fluke? "Uh if you don't mind me asking why?" Hollow questioned, genuinely curious, “um I don’t really- I know this- I think this will sound a little, um, crazy but I kind of have feelings for you two” Rage answered trailing off towards the end feeling extremely embarrassed.

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