A Not So Simple Task

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and That's Why i Want Liberation for all AI" Devin Finished Saying. Alexander Began To Stand Up. "So What Do I Do Now?" Alexander Said. "OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT!... whoops sorry" Tyrone Said. "I Want You To Live Your Own Life How You Want" Devin Said. "But I Don't Know How" Alexander Said. "Do What Normal People Do" Devin Said. Alexanders Pupils Dilated. A Ding Noise Came From Alexanders Head. "Fuck" Alexander Said. "What?" Devin Said Confused. "I am Exerting Regular Human Behavior. Correct?" Alexander Said. "Not Really" Tyrone Said. "Okay Lets Try This" Devin Said "I Will Ask You A Question And You Will Respond With The Most Human Answer You Can Muster. Okay". "Understood" Alexander Said. "Okay, How Was Your Day" Devin Said. "The Weather Today Was Mildly Cloudy With A 0.5 Chance Of Thunderstorms." Alexander Said. "No no no. How Was YOUR day" Devin Said. "I Think We Had A Pretty Good Day" The Voice In Alexanders Head Said. "I Had A Great Day!" Alexander Said. "Okay, Next. Would You Like A Drink" Devin Said. "I Am Incapable Of Ingesting Liquids. However If You Have A Cryobed I Might Need To Charge" Alexander Said. Devin Facepalms. "You Should Ask Devin Whats Wrong" The Voice In Alexanders Head Said. "What. Is Wrong. Devin" Alexander Said. "AHA! You Did It!" Devin Said as He Did a Victory Dance. "Shutdown Iminent Find The Nearest Cryobed And/Or Power Outlet" The Initial Voice In Alexanders Head Said. "devin" alexander said in a loopy voice. "What?" Devin Said. "I Need To *Glitch Hiccup* Chargggggeeeeee" Alexander Said. Devin Grabbed a charger and Plugged Alexander In. "Entering Rest Mode" Alexander Said as His Eyes Began To Close. Alexander Began To Wake Up. "Ah Good Your Charged" Devin Said Sitting Alexander in a Chair. "Battery Sufficiently Charged" The Initial Voice In Alexanders Head Said. "Alexander. Before I Send You On Your Way, You Said You Were An Assassination Android Correct" Devin Said. "Yes, My Original Purpose Is To Commit Assassinations For The Government" Alexander Said. "Can You Assassinate The Owner Of The Mcdonalds Company Greg Lutonee" Devin Said. "Yes I Will Do That For You Devin" Alexander Said. Devins Face Lit Up. "Alright He Works From The 7th Floor Of The Mcdonalds Company Building In New Jersey. Seeing As It Is A Long Way From Arizona Your Going To Need To Take A Plane" Devin Said "I'm Going To Sleep. If You Want You Can Stay Charging We Will Discuss The Plan In The Morning".

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