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            Their was one more mom that had infillitus that worked with Professor Konine , she discovered she had the sickness after the 5 moms moved away.Pro Konine got in contact with the 6th mom , her name was Nina.Nina agreed to fly down to L.A with her son.Pro K told the 5 and their parents about the 6th person and showed them the video of what happen'd at the convenience store. Everyone met up at a restaurant call "The Great Cafe" , they serve breakfast and lunch meals.It was a nice place to eat out.The 5 moms and their kids and Pro K sat around the table looking at their menus.They were waiting for Nina and Jason to arrive.

Cece-Wow , so its a 6th person that possibly have powers like us ?

Konine-Possibly ..

Marcus-he gotta have powers...did you see what he did at that store ?!

Brett-Yo , it was crazy all he did was one hit on the counter and everything instantly fell

Monse-Right , like um excuse me but that don't happen every day (grins)

Suddenly Nina and her son Jason walked in but their was one more person with them.It was a girl , and she looked their age , she was holding Jason hand , everyone welcomed them as they approached the table.

Nina-Hello everyone i'm Nina , this is my son Jason and his girlfriend Ariel .. (smiles)

Jason-I could have introduced myself , but thats okay (grins) , like she said i'm Jason and this is my girlfriend Ariel (grins)

Ariel-(smiles) Hey everyone , nice to meet you yall

Cece-Same to you love (smiles)

Konine-Thank you so much for coming (smiles)

Nina-Yes of course

Jason-why we here anyways ? (grins)

Nina-Jason , don't be rude

Konine-No its fine , your here b/c of the same reasons why the other kids are here

Jason-and the reason is...?

Konine-I believe that you and the other kids has powerd

Jason-(laughs hard) super powers ...? HA , dude are you crazy ...your joking right ?

Konine-I'm being serious and the others can do things no others can do

Monse-Hes right , i can control water with my hands ...and my eyes even changed colors

Marcus-Yo i survived my burning house ...i had no burns , nada

Cece-do you really think what you caused at that convenience store is normal ? (stares at Jason)

Monse-Yeahhh , thats not something happens everyday ...(glares at Jason)

Brett-Dude have you seen us on the news ? (glances at Jason)

Jason-I have , but i thought those were edited videos .. ya know like a prank or sum

Cece-No , that was real footage of all of us ..

Monse-at the pool yesterday , it was like i made a tidal wave with my hands or something , it was intense

Ariel-so your saying Jason has powers ?

Konine-I gave Nina the same vaccine i gave the other was a cure for Infillitus..your mom (glaces at Jason) worked at my lab , she discovered she had the sickness after the 5 of the moms moved away ..

Jason-Really ? so yall saying that i actually have powers ...super powers ?

Cece-Yes ... and were gonna use Infillitus Z to save Harbor , ,by making millions off of it and using the money to help with things like food clean water and homes ..

POWERS IN THE HOOD PART 1 (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now