Chapter 9 - Past Fears

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You stare at your daughter as she sits with Hela and Loki at the Kitchen table painting something that would eventually end up on the fridge. The meeting with Bucky had went better than you thought it would. He told the truth to her leaving nothing out and just that first step was enough to have Lily agreeing to at least give him a chance. She made it quite clear to him though that she already had a dad. One that she wasn't about to lose. Your fingers drum across the counter top as your mind starts to daydream about a perfect future where everyone got along and was happy. It was a nice sentiment.

"Earth to (Name)?" Hela says pulling you from your thoughts as you turn to see that she had moved to stand beside you.

"Oh, sorry. I was just... thinking." You answer honestly as you lean forward propping yourself up on the countertops with your elbows.

"About?" Hela asks bringing the rim of her glass of Jack Daniels to her lips.

"Honestly," You pause your eyes glancing at your child who giggled happily with her uncle. "I was thinking about how nice it would be if everything worked out beautifully for Lily. I want her to be happy."

"She looks pretty happy to me." Hela says turning to follow your gaze.

"I just hope she stays that way." You add a worried expression filling your face.

"I may not know the man, but from what Lily and Dot have told me, plus what I have witnessed myself; I feel he would never hurt her."

"I know he would never intentionally hurt Lily. If you saw him the moment he laid eyes on her you'd know that."

"All we can do now is sit back and observe. If it looks like he's going to hurt her, I've got some friends that will help me take him out." Hela states making your smirk.

"I have no doubt you would."

"She's my niece. Probably the closest thing I'll have to an actual daughter. I'd do anything for her." Hela adds a darkness filling her eyes making you reach out to gently touch her hand.

"She knows." You add making the light return to Hela's eyes. You feel your phone vibrate and you unlock it to see a number you weren't expecting to see ever again.

"Um, do you two mind watching Lily for a moment? I have to take this." You ask your brow furrowing as you go to leave the room.

"She's safe with me." Loki says, and you smile.

"Thank you, I'll be right back." You call out as you rush into your office and answering your phone say, "Hello?"

"(Name) darling, how are you?" You hear a familiar female voice say and my blood runs cold.

"Mrs. Barnes, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?" You ask trying not to let your fear fill your voice.

"Why aren't you calling me mom? You are my daughter in law after all." Winnifred Barnes says making you reach up to rub your forehead as you think about what to say.

"Um listen, Mrs. Barnes,"

"Call me mother, dear."

"Look, as you probably know by now; Bucky and I aren't married anymore."

"Oh, are you talking about that pesky divorce paperwork? Don't you worry about that darling. We took care of that for you." She adds and your heart hits the floor.

"What did you do?" You ask your legs shaking from fear.

"Oh (Name), why couldn't you just let James have his affair. That's part of being a politician's wife. You thought you could leave and take his heir with you? Why don't you just collect the child and come back before things get difficult."

"You have no right, no right; to tell me what to do!"

"You wouldn't want to be separated from your child, would you?" She adds making tears fill your eyes as you voice starts to quiver.

"Bucky would never let you take her away from me." You conclude making her click her tongue.

"He has no say either. She is a Barnes and should be raised as such. You of all people know that I get what I want."

"NO! Not this time! I won't let you take her!" You yell out a mix of anger and fear filling your threat.

"You forget who has more power here child. I'll give you till tomorrow to make your decision. I hope you'll pick the right one." With that she hung up the phone. Your cell phone fell from your hands to the floor. Your heart clenches as the tears start to pour from your eyes. You had always feared the day when Bucky's parents found out about Lily. It had been one of your biggest fears when you had left him, and now it was coming true.

You had two choices. You could sit here and wallow in fear of what was going to happen next or you could take the initiative and take care of things once and for all. Clearing your throat, you wipe the tears from your eyes and bending down grab your phone. You send Bucky a text saying that you needed to talk and quickly head for the front door. "(Name)? What's wrong?" You hear Loki ask as you reach the front door and turn to see him standing next to the stairs. His eyes filled with worry when they met yours.

"Look after Lily, I have to take care of something." You say not even bothering to stop before you grabbed your car keys and headed out the door. You race over to the hotel Bucky was staying in and after parking your car head up the elevator to his room. Reaching it your knock on the door and he instantly opens it a look of concerning filling his face making the tears return as you say, "I need your help."

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