that hurt.

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“Daniel!” I started, turning round in my seat. To be fair until now I was feeling incredibly underdressed and unimportant, but when I turned round and saw Daniel standing there grinning at me, his big blue eyes sparkling I suddenly felt a rush of comfort. “Hi, I was going to attempt to look for you, but I don’t think it was going to have much effect-there are so many people here!” I said, smiling at him; he smiled back and gesturing to the empty seat next to me asked

“You’ve got that right! Mind if I sit down?” I nodded and he said “I’ve been shaking hands all day, not exactly tiring work but I’m shattered”

“Understandable!” I laughed “But you’re so lucky, I would kill to have fans who want to shake my hand…” sadly this pathetic statement is true, but I don’t know why I’m telling a random stranger this. He looked at me, eyes scanning my face with a glint of interest sparkling in his eyes.

“Really? Well, the worrying thing is that sometimes that’s not all they want!”

“Maybe that’s true in your case, but I’m guessing that’s generally not Julie Walters problem” I said, he laughed some more, his bushy black eyebrows relaxing, he gestured for the bartender who came over with a similar expression to Chloe’s at the sight of her Harry Potter celebrities.

“Can I have what she’s having?” Daniel asked politely, before turning to check what I was drinking, I took a defensive sip of my coke and smiled at his expression of disappointment. But the thing is I don’t really know what I’m doing here, drinking a non-diet coke with the star of Harry Potter, does Daniel Radcliffe…like me?

“I’m driving home” I said, by way of explanation for my unadventurous drinking habits.

“Ah, that explains it” he said, relief crossing his face. “So” he said

“So” I responded, fighting the urge to laugh at the awkwardness of trying to find some common ground to talk about with Daniel.

“So, what do you do or want to do?”

“With what?” I asked, what an incredibly vague question-that could mean anything!

“With your life?” he asked, taking a sip from the coke the bartender had provided, I notice he didn’t ask Daniel if he wants it to be diet coke…unfair.

“That’s an interesting question” I said, I shot him a quick glance, he was staring rather intently at me. His eyes seemed not to require the human action of blinking, so he was giving me a rather owl like look.

“Does it have an equally interesting answer?” He asked, eyes not leaving my face.

“I’m not sure about that, it’s a very embarrassing answer to be perfectly honest” I said, looking into the bottom of my glass.

“What is it?” He pressed, I sighed, and this is going to make him choke on his coke. But if he laughs too hard I’m absolutely going to push him of the stool thing.

“I want to be an actress” I said “that’s what I want to do with my life.” I waited for his laughter to come, and I wasn’t disappointed, he let out a snort and I shot him a devil glare, which ‘if looks could kill’ would defiantly have done the job for me.

“I knew it!” he exclaimed, his smile so big I’m worried that it’s going to fall off his mouth-I know that doesn’t really make much sense but you know what I mean!

“Huh?” I said for the second time that night.

“When I saw you today, I thought that you looked like an actress-and I was right!”

“Oh” I said, not really knowing what to do with this information “so that’s a…good thing? I look like an actress?”

“Well if you want to be an actress then I’d go with yes, by the way, I’m guessing you don’t have an agent?” I nodded, is my unprofessionalism that obvious?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2012 ⏰

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