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Guys, i'm at the new school and this was the worst....day...EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll explain why of course:

1. The school schedule is bullshit for what I can see that the middle of the week is fucked up as freak.

2. All alone as a new girl and no one to hang around with instead of being alone. It tears my heart into bits wishing that I could have stayed back at home which would end of the EXACT same thing. I was really about to start crying because of being alone for the FIRST DAY BACK! Like...NO FRIEND ZONE.

3.I want to either go back home or stay at this harmonize shitty place. Because my sister who is only 6 years old had to NOT ride the bus and this retarded fucking principal made all students ride the bus. Uh....we just moved here because my mom got herself a new job in Indiana. Here's what the principal said,"Sorry. You can't cross here unless your child is supposingly getting picked up at the front office." 

Like my mom was suppose shit about that rule at the Hickery Elementary school and same goes for MY school. All day I have to deal with lost classrooms, disadvantage libraries, and mostly being the new girl with no one to hang out with at lunch either. BULL SHIT! 

Anyway....I am depressed feeling my mind become insane with them all in my head and I want you guys to comfort me :(. It's sad that I have to deal with it by a broken heart and I am in tears. Please vote and comment to reassure me that everything will get back on track. I. HATE. MY. LIFE! Fuck everyone around Indiana high school, Hickery or any god damn place. Unless there are some understandable people that were to fix things and make it better for me. Bye.

3 Songs: Listen to the rain, Away From Me, and I AM AN Outsider

Listen to the rain: Me sad and lonely

Away from Me: Everyone has friends but me (Obvy) :(

I Am An Outsider: Being left out and to find out the truth of what being alone really means (Song going to be added to the 'Final Season' of: Back In Time To Save Our King of Pop!

I hope you guys are wondering that I published Godzilla books too. I'm doing the second one tomorrow and I was going to do separated months and it failed. So i'm going to do it all on August including 'Attack on Titan' Season 3. Peace!

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