Chapter 4

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Jackson's POV

I know Daniel is into Gabby, at a party he got drunk and told his friends that he liked her which got back to me. She's mine though and he may think he stands a chance but he doesn't, Lucas stands more of a chance but Lucas still pisses me off.

Whenever I see another guy around Gabby it makes me so jealous, I know we are together but just the thought of her with another guy pisses me off to no end.

It's almost Gabbys birthday and I'm planning a surprise party for her and I want to give her a promise ring, it may seem sudden but I feel such a connection with her.

Her and Daniel are best friends and sometimes I feel like she's going to see something in Daniel and leave me.

My father wants me to take over his company and he said I have to get married before I take over and I'm planning for Gabby to be my wife, my parents are going to meet her soon and it's going to be great.


I go into my dads office and find him at his computer.

"Hey son." He says looking up at me giving me his attention.

"Hey dad. So Gabbys birthday is on Friday and I wanna have a party for her here if that's alright with you and I came to ask for advice on how to go about the next step in my relationship. Since you mentioned about getting married before taking over the business I'd like to start in the process of that with her but I feel its to early to propose." I tell my dad.

"Well jackson I would say either give her a necklace with your name on it and say here's my first time till I give you my last name or get her a promise ring and see if she's ready to promise and commit to you for the future and be with you through thick and thin, to join the family and be a Laurence."

"Thanks dad I'll think that over I plan to do the proposal at the party so I hope you will be there." I look hopefully at him since he's busy a lot but this is a big deal for me.

"Of course I will son." He says assuringly.

I think it over as I lay on my bed in my room and decide on the ring then it'll feel like a proposal for sure.

I text Gabby and tell her we're going on a date on Friday even though she's coming to my house for a party but then she will think she needs to get dressed up for a date so she will look beautiful as always to meet my family and accept the promise ring plus a party with her friends to celebrate turning 17. I guess I should invited Daniel even though I don't want to but I wouldn't look like a good boyfriend if I 'forgot' him.

To gabby:

I'm taking you on a date on Friday for your bday:) ily

From gabby:

Aww Jackson thank you I have no idea what I would do without since I don't have my parents :/

To gabby:
I'm sorry babygirl but I'll do my best to make you feel like a princess.

From Gabby:
I'm honestly missing you right now, any chance you wanna come over ;)

After reading her text I decide to go over to her house to spend the night.

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