Chapter 6

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Gabbys POV

I get home after school and I walk upstairs to my room and fall on my bed. My phone beeps and I check it to see that it's my friend Maddie saying she's coming over.

I hear footsteps and a body lands on my bed, I look to my side to see Maddie.

"Damn that commotion earlier with Jackson and Lucas was interesting." Maddie says.

"It was drama." I sigh.

I close my eyes and hear my phone beep. Maddie picks it up before I have the chance and reads the message.

"Who's it from?" I ask wanting to know.

"Daniel." She answers. "He says he met a girl that he's interested in." Hearing that made my heart drop. I know I have a boyfriend but I've always had a love for Daniel in my heart but I mean we're best friends I didn't want to ruin that and also I have a boyfriend I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Gabby?" Maddie snaps me out of my trance.

"Ya?" I ask.

"Look I know it bothers you he met someone but you have Jackson and he loves you. I know you've always had a thing for Daniel but you guys are best friends keep it that way your friendship is awesome." Maddie convinces me.

And then I realize, she said he loves me.

"Wait what? He loves me?" I ask shocked.

"Wait you didn't know this?" Maddie looks surprised.

"We haven't said I love you yet." I explain pursing my lips into a thin line. Do I love him? I mean I like him a lot he's so attractive and he makes my heart melt all the time but it's only been 3 months I haven't thought about love really.

My phone beeps again interrupting my thoughts. Maddie checks it for me again.

"Please tell me it's not Daniel again." I sigh.

"Who's talking about Daniel?" I hear a familiar voice and then turn my head to see my boyfriend walk in my room.

"No one." I say getting up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm gonna leave now see ya later." Maddie smiles before leaving my room.

"How's my girl doing?" Jackson asks in a sexy voice.

"I'm good but better now that your here." I stick my tongue out at him.

I release my arms from his neck and step backwards closer to my bed. Jackson grabs my waist with his big hands and pushes me down onto my bed. He kisses my lips and licks my bottom lip asking for entrance which I grant him. His tongue enters my mouth and roams around as he groans. His hands find the hem of my shirt and start to take it off.

"Jackson." I moan.

"Yes babygirl." He answers between kisses as he sucks on my neck.

"Don't." I manage to get out.

"Don't what." He breathes out.

"Take off my clothes I'm not ready."

"Baby it's gonna happen at some point." He takes off my shirt with a little force leaving me in my bra.

"Not today later please."

"Gabby just let me." He tries to unzip my skirt but I push him off a little.

"Fine Gabby guess I'll do it the hard way." His hands goes under my skirt and his fingers make their way into my underwear.

"Jackson stop!" I clench my teeth together and start to cry a little, I try to kick him down there but he made sure he was between my legs when he started.

"Gabby it'll feel good, don't worry." He smirks and his fingers go in farther.

I realize my phone is beside me and I quickly press the home button and call Daniel.

He answers on the first ring. "Daniel!" I cry out.

"Gabby what's wrong?" He asks hearing the alarm in my voice.

"Gabby wtf! Give that to me, Daniel doesn't need to hear what's being done, your mine." Jackson says taking the phone out of my hand.

"Daniel help!" I yell hoping he heard me before Jackson ended the call.

"God Gabby your always concerned with him it's like I'm not even here. You're dating me I'm your boyfriend. Remember when you decided to catch my attention at school that time? Well it worked and now you're mine babygirl." His fingers continue their assault and suddenly he starts to unbuckle his pants and I know what's coming and I'm not ready.

Damn Daniel please save me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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