Part 19 - His Painting

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Aniyah walked upstairs to Kaiden's bedroom and he was just sitting on his bed staring at the floor. Aniyah took a deep breath and closed the door and walked over to him, she set the tub by him and grabbed his hand and lifted his arm up, she looked at the wound and she said "It's only a first degree burn."

Kaiden looked up at her and nodded his head slowly. Aniyah put on some gloves and she grabbed a white tube and squeezed some white thick liquid onto her fingers, she started patting it onto Kaiden's arm carefully and she

started rubbing it very gently onto the burn.

She grabbed some gause and placed it onto the burns and wrapped the gause with some gauze wrap, she wrapped each burn a few times and then looked at his other arm, there was only one little burn and she grabbed the tube once more and squeezed some onto his arm and started rubbing it gently on, then she wrapped that one the same way.

Aniyah said "anywhere else?"

Kaiden shook his head no and Aniyah took off her gloves and threw them away, she grabbed the bin and then left the room.

Kaiden just sat their and after a minute Aniyah walked back into his room and said "So.. umm.. I should leave."

Kaiden looked at her Instantly and said "No! Someone just blew up your car. Your staying here."

Aniyah said "I am not staying here with you!"

Kaiden rolled his eyes and said "Why is that?"

Aniyah said "You probably are gonna watch me every minute." She started walking down the hall and Kaiden stayed quiet and Aniyah looked at him and said "Because, you don't trust me. Remember?"

Kaiden looked away from her and Aniyah stopped walking and she stopped dead in her tracks. Kaiden looked at her and clenched his jaw, he walked up to her and grabbed her arm and pulled her gently to Blake's room, he opened the door and said "There. Here's my brother!"

Aniyah looked into the room and she walked in slowly, she walked over to Blake's side and said "How old is he?"

Kaiden said "17."

Aniyah said "How long has he been here?"

Kaiden said "Well.. he's been in a medical coma for about seven months now."

Aniyah looked at Kaiden instantly and Kaiden walked over and leaned up against the wall and said "I trust you Aniyah. Alot.. and it scares me, deeply."

Aniyah looked at the seriousness on Kaiden's face and she said "You'd think I tell someone that you got a brother at home.. like this.."

Kaiden stayed quiet and Aniyah said "Have I told Jayden anything. About you?"

Kaiden shrugged and Aniyah said "No. I haven't. I haven't told a single person about you.. besides Drake, but it was about how I feel towards you, nothing personal. Not how your house is layed out, not how your parents live with you, NOTHING!"

Kaiden said "okay.. okay.."

Aniyah looked down at Blake and said "Kaiden.. I don't think you you understand, what type of person I am."

Kaiden raised an eyebrow and he said "I know some of you."

Aniyah looked at him and said "and what is that?"

Kaiden said "well, you're badass, not really scared of anything, and if you are, you don't show it. Also! You are actually a really caring person.. but your also in pain, you lost four people close to you, and you delt with that pain.. alone."

Aniyah looked at Kaiden and he said "I know about Cole, and how he overdosed, I'm sorry.. I didn't look you up, Jax did.. Because he found the pictures you broke."

Aniyah looked down at her hand and she looked at the healing scabs on her fist and hands and she nodded her head. Kaiden said "I can't ever stop thinking about you.."

Aniyah looked at him confused and he said "come with me."

Aniyah followed Kaiden out if Blakes room and Kaiden closed the door and he led her down a hall and into a room, he opened the door and Aniyah walked inside and it was absolutely beautiful, their was a painting easel, and a beautiful huge piano.

Kaiden walked over to a blanket on the wall, he ripped it down and a beautiful painting of Aniyah was on the wall. Aniyahs eyes widened and Kaiden said "Everytime I thought of you.. I painted one detail at a time. Only one."

Aniyah walked up to the painting and looked at it, she said "every detail is there.."

Kaiden said "exactly. I painted this in one day Aniyah.."

Aniyah looked at Kaiden shocked and he said "and it only got worse from their, I started dreaming about you, hearing your laugh.. I couldn't stop.. I CANT stop.. that's why I beat up Ashton, because he kissed you, he touched you.. when I wanted too! But I was so scared I was going to hurt you, destroy you.."

Aniyah walked up to Kaiden and grabbed the side of his face and made him look down at her, Aniyah said "You don't destroy me.. at all.."

Kaiden closed his eyes and grabbed her hands, he took a deep breath and whispered "Don't leave me.."

Aniyah smiled and she said "I won't.. but you can't push me away.. You have to let me in."

Kaiden opened his eyes and looked into her beautiful hazel eyes and he said "I'm never pushing you away.. again."

Aniyah smiled bright and Kaiden grabbed her waist and pulled her body into him. He pulled her into a hug and she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him back.

Kaiden closed his eyes and kissed her cheek and tightened his hold on her, he buried his face into Aniyah's neck and he just held her so close. Never wanting to let her go.

End of Part Nineteen

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